Sunday, July 27, 2014

When Help Is Needed For Mental Problems San Francisco Psychotherapy Can Help

By Sharron Cantu

Psychotherapy is a form of counseling used to help those with emotional distress and mental disorders. It can be administered by a psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker at the masters degree level. Sometimes san francisco psychotherapy is a collaborative effort with a psychiatrist and psychologist helping one patient.

This is a general term for many different methods of mental health counseling. They vary from short-term to long-term, and once a month to three times a week. It all depends on the specialty of the therapist and the needs of the patient.

The patient must feel as though he is in a comfortable place with an empathetic therapist in order to discuss his issues. Discussing intimate details is not easy. If there is no rapport, it may be best to turn to another therapist.


There is one anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder. It compels the patient to carry out one or more repetitive actions that are usually done once by the rest of the population. One woman was unable to leave home to go shopping or attend social events unless someone helped her lock the door. If alone, she would return again and again to check the lock.

This was not based on anything that she could remember. It was not a fear of going into a social situation. She simply could not convince herself that the door was adequately locked. She knew it was locked but could not stop herself from checking it over and over. She would walk away but, return to the door repeatedly and be unable to leave.

OCD is one of the many anxiety disorders that some individuals must cope with. Post-traumatic-stress-disorder is another. This disorder is suffered by veterans of the Vietnam War. Of course, it can be the result of any traumatic experience.

Eating disorders can reach the intense level of being life-threatening. Anorexia causes someone to think they are fat when in reality, they are painfully thin. At the extreme, the person can suffer major organ shutdown since the body is receiving no nutrition.

The person who is perfectly well-adjusted can be overwhelmed as the result of a tragic occurrence. A disabling illness, loss of a family member or losing their home are all possible reasons for depression. Clinical depression is far more serious than ordinary sadness.

A psychotherapist cannot change the tragedy that leads to depression. He can only help the patient through it. A psychiatrist may need to prescribe medication to combat the symptoms. Sessions with the psychologist can often lead to a lifting of the depression.

In the case of a client with a terminal illness, psychotherapy may help them adjust. Seeing family members and friends who live far away may be comforting. Making final arrangements and may be somewhat helpful. It is a tragic situation but, therapy might make it more bearable.

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