Saturday, July 26, 2014

How An Online Cancer Magazine Can Help Patients And Their Families

By Paulette Mason

Being diagnosed with a dread disease is a tremendous shock for most patients. They are not the only ones affected, however. The diagnosis can also have a serious impact upon the lives of loved ones. Most patients go through a cycle of emotions, ranging from disbelief, shock, depression, anger and denial before they eventually accept the situation. Only once acceptance takes place can rational decisions be made. Experts agree that it is vital for the patient and his loved ones to learn as much as possible about the disease. One way in which to do this is to subscribe to an online cancer magazine.

One of the main advantages of subscribing to online information sites is that they can inform patients about ongoing research and new treatment methods. There are, in fact, astonishing advances being made on almost a daily basis. What used to be a death sentence can now be treated successfully. Knowledge about these matters can help patients to communicate with their physicians on an intelligent and informed basis.

Many patients become depressed and some even fall into a state of despair and apathy. They feel isolated and alone. Internet publications can help patients and their families to learn that these feelings and emotions are normal and that they are commonly experienced by other patients with similar diseases. Better yet, they can learn techniques on how to cope with these emotions.

In order to cope with their illness patients need support. Unfortunately, loved ones often do not know how to provide this valuable support. They do not know how to react to the patient and they cannot hope to understand his feelings and emotions and the side effects of medication. Internet publications make use of experts that do understand and that can provide much needed support and information.

Most diagnosed patients have to make some changes in their daily routines and lifestyle. This is not always easy. Web publications can provide valuable advice and information on issues such as suitable exercise programs, diets and programs to stop smoking and drinking, for example.

It can be difficult to choose between the many sites dedicated to information about the disease and support to patients suffering from it. The best course of action may be to join a few sites and to evaluate them over time. Those less helpful can then be eliminated. It would also be best to choose sites that are run by experts in this field and that offer both support and independent information.

It is vital to be careful with sites that offer wild remedies, instant cures and treatment programs that are radically different from those followed by oncologists. These sites are often run by unscrupulous people that depend upon the desperation of people that will do almost anything for a cure. It is imperative to discuss matters with a doctor before opting for any treatment program.

A cancer diagnosis will almost certainly cause tremendous shock and disbelief. However, with proper support and treatment patients can now expect much better results than ever. New treatment methods are being discovered regularly. The internet is a very valuable source of information and support and this can do much to help the patient and his family to cope with the situation.

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