Sunday, January 29, 2012

Brief Characteristic of Yorkshire Terriers

By Dmitry Vasenyov

Today you will not find a more interesting, cuter and spirited little breed than Yorkies. With their long beautiful coats and great personalities, they make great family pets.

Frankly speaking, Yorkies are dogs of great personalities. As a member of the small dog category, they tend to be energetic and also are known to bark more than some other breeds. Aside from this, you should know that Yorkies are loyal to people as well as will surge to the challenge of protecting family from an aggressive larger dog or any other threat. And for this reason training is a crucial protective measure for their own safety.

You should know that Yorkies do well when they are socialized with children at early age. But it is necessary for family members to remember that Yorkies are territorial with their owners, toys and space.

Frankly speaking, Yorkies may adapt to any environment and so they are great apartment dogs. Besides, they could easily travel in cars and their exercise requirements adapt to their surroundings.

The main peculiarity of these dogs is their high maintenance coat. To ensure that their coat stays healthy and beautiful, daily brushing is needed. As well you have to brush their hair once a week. After bathing, the coat has to be sprayed with a diluted leave-in hair conditioner because that way you can ensure easier maintenance.

In fact, Yorkies do well on any dog food and do not have to be given any table craps because these could cause them to have sticky stools. For adult Yorkies dry food is preferable. At the same time, puppies need to have two wet meals a day, supplemented with dry puppy food.

It is important that Yorkie puppies be watched by hypoglycemia. You have to know that this breed is susceptible to sudden drops in blood sugar level. And in some cases this could be carried into adulthood.

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