Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Training Chihuahuas With Praise And Love

By Manuel Chuy

You do not have to go to an obedience class to start out training Chihuahuas. In fact, Chihuahuas are some of the easiest dogs to coach. Classes for big, out of control dogs aren't befitting this breed. You don't need to dominate and force this dog to obey. Actually, training Chihuahuas should either be done by yourself or in classes with other small dogs.

Chihuahuas respond far better to gentle training techniques. Here are some what to keep in mind when training Chihuahuas.

1. You should guide, not force your pet. Chihuahuas want to please their human companions. Should you show them what pleases you, they shall be quick to comply. However, if you force them, a stubborn streak comes out. 2. Training Chihuahuas does not require punishment. Gentle correction is almost always sufficient for getting your pet to do what you want. 3. Reward your new puppy when he or she pleases you. This will likely let him know what he should do. Always accent the positive when training Chihuahuas. 4. Chihuahuas respond well to food based reinforcement. Don't begin a Chihuahua training session when the dog has just eaten. Working on an empty stomach has a tendency to get the best results. 5. You needs to keep training sessions short and fun. A Chihuahua training experience should be no more than 10 minutes at a time. It's also wise to begin and end the session with something the dog already does well. 6. Avoid training when you're already tired and angry. Chihuahuas need your ex and patience.

Potty training have to be one of the first areas that you teach your puppy. You should find a place for these phones pee and poo and then consistently reinforce this behavior. Almost all of the important if your Chihuahua will probably be a house dog.

Chihuahuas are intelligent dogs. They do not hunt, herd, or guard in order that they can't "show off" the way other breeds do. But this does not mean that they don't like to do tricks. The truth is, they often show what they are capable of doing through obedience and agility trials. Even though you don't compete in formal competitions together with your dog, you can enjoy training Chihuahuas.

A way of training Chihuahuas is with a ticker. You teach your pet that a "click" means a reward is on its way. Then, over time, you only click when your dog has done something you want it to do. This reinforces the behaviour.

In training Chihuahuas you should always be gentle with these. Don't try to use choke collars because their necks can get hurt easily. Instead, utilize flat buckle collar or harness to protect its trachea.

Exercise must be done every day. But, your Chihuahua might not need long walks because it has an energetic nature so playing around an apartment is enough exercise to the dog.

In summary, you should always stretch your patience when training Chihuahuas. Consistency is essential if you want to ensure that your little dog obeys and stays loyal to you.

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