Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some Tips to Care for a Yorkie

By Dmitry Vasenyov

If you want to become an owner of a Yorkshire terrier, then for the beginning you have to know some facts about their needs. Unlike other dogs, Yorkies come with their own requirements in care. You need to know that this care might range from vet care right to the physical care. You should bear in mind that Yorkies might be more expensive in comparison with other breeds. And below there are several of the Yorkies needs:

- Yorkie's teeth

It is necessary to mention that Yorkies are prone to have different problems with teeth and in several cases overbites which might see them at the vet more than once per year. This problem is since Yorkies do not shedding their baby teeth as other dogs do. As a rule, these baby teeth will not cause any problems in the early part of the Yorkie's life, however if there are several problems, these teeth nee to be pulled out.

- Potty accidents

It is relatively easy to understand that the size of Yorkie will determine the size of their bladder. And this could cause several problems during training. The bladder is very small and thus Yorkies find themselves needing to go out more often, especially when they are small puppies. However with growing up this problem will be eliminated. During training you could use both indoor potties and outside potties till you feel confident that your Yorkie could stay without potties for a normal part of the time.

- Yorkie's grooming needs

The very first thing that makes Yorkies have such beautiful appearance is their coat. And to keep the coat at its best it has to be brushed on everyday basis. It is highly recommended to brush the coat with the help of a fine mist of water and conditioner for preventing mats that could easily form.

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