Friday, March 30, 2012

Fighting Anti-Aging Wrinkles

By Chris Scarborough

Nowadays, having wrinkles is like having leprosy in the olden days. If you have them, you want to get rid of them at any price. While you don't have them yet, stop worrying, or you will get them prematurely.

Cosmetic surgeons are the only ones happy about this great fear of wrinkles. The substance they inject into your body can kill you in big amounts, but will make you look younger in small doses.

It doesn't last forever, though. You have to go back month after month and pay a small fortune just to keep those signs of aging away. You'll find yourself paying more for your face than you do for your car.

There are ways to look young without having to go to expensive cosmetic surgeons. Here are a few ideas:

Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. You may find this too trivial, but it actually helps a lot. Your skin is actually the biggest body organ and you should keep it hydrated. Drinking water, not lattes or sodas, keeps your skin supple and the rest of your body benefits, too!

Fruits and vegetables should have a bigger part in your diet. The natural antioxidants in these fresh foods help strength skin tissue so that it repairs and rebuilds on schedule.

It won't hurt to take some supplements either. Beautiful skin needs nourishment from inside.

You should increase your intake of nuts and oils, too. Virgin olive oil should be used for your salads and for cooking. Different kinds of nuts are perfect for snacks. Your skin is made more youthful from the nutrients of these foods.

Additional antioxidants can be applied to the skin with creams made from soy protein, Vitamin A (retinol), peptides, hyrodxy acid and CoQ10 Enzyme. Look for these in a health food store or natural pharmacy. They might be a bit expensive but they're still cheaper and of better quality than if you buy them at department stores. The absence of chemicals in these products is a definite plus.

To manage wrinkles, you need to work on it on the outside as well as in. No amount of expensive designer creams will overcome what your body lacks to rebuild damaged cells.

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