Thursday, March 29, 2012

How To Come Off Winner Against Panic Attacks

By Nickie Nall

Dealing with panic attacks can be very troublesome and somewhat annoying, but please do not despair. There is information out there that can help and you have found it. Listed below are some panic attack tips that can be used to start finding a treatment that works for your condition.

You may want to look into hypnotherapy if you suffer from frequent panic attacks. Being hypnotized helps to train your mind to calm down and relax. When your mind is relaxed, the chances of you having panic attacks is greatly reduced. Some insurances these days even cover hypnotherapy if it is for a medical reason.

When you are in the throes of a panic attack, try not to fight the feelings that come over you. Fighting only increases your adrenaline and makes the attack worse. It's better to accept the feelings and remind yourself that they will pass, even though you are uncomfortable at the moment.

If you live with someone who suffers from panic attacks, it's important for you to know what to do to help that person during an attack. A panic attack can resemble a heart attack or other medical emergency, so it's important to remain calm and make sure the person doesn't need medical attention. If something in the surroundings triggered the attack, lead the person to another location.

Stay positive during a panic attack! Think about the people you love and how luck you are to have them in your life. Remember your favorite foods, or the places you love to visit, and take your mind there. Think of some awesome things that have happened to you and remember how they felt. Your attack will pass in no time!

Realize that the simple things that happen everyday should not be a significant source of anxiety. Mundane things such as forgetting to make the bed or washing the breakfast dishes should not be allowed to rule your day. Remember that these normal tasks and chores that you may overlook cannot prevent you from having a successful day.

Remember when you are having a panic attack the feelings that you have are normal. They are just being expressed in an exaggerated form. Do not think that you are going to die from them or they will harm you. Try your best to remain logical about the situation.

During a panic attack, try practicing "7-11 breathing". This technique involves breathing in as you slowly count to seven and breathing out as you slowly count to eleven. This ensures that you are taking deep, slow breaths, which prevents you from taking in too much oxygen (known as hyperventilating).

A great technique when you have a panic attack is to visualize yourself as a bird. Fly through the blue, clear sky on the wind until you reach a beautiful meadow. Fly into the meadow and through the grass, watching it sway in the breeze. When you concentrate on all the details you're seeing you'll forget about the panic attack altogether.

If you are prone to panic attacks, you know that complete avoidance of panic-causing situations is not always possible. Learn out of body techniques to remove yourself from the situation and allow you to view it as if you were watching television. What would you tell yourself to do? How would you provide comfort? Often placing yourself in the role of mentor or guide trying to help someone else deal with panic issues will get you through the worst situations.

If you are beginning to feel some stress and feel a panic attack coming on, cup your hands and put them over your nose and mouth as you breathe. This action will simulate the action of breathing into a paper bag but is a lot more discrete.

When you have read the above tips, try applying the helpful information to your treatment hunt so that you can start fighting back against your panic attacks. You don't have to deal with these in silence or alone anymore! Are you ready to take those first steps at getting your panic attacks under control?

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