Saturday, March 23, 2013

Feline UTI Symptoms That You Should Know About

By Geraldine Dimarco

Urinary tract infection is a condition many cats have to deal with. It is caused by bacteria that have latched on their bladder by way of their urinary orifices, congenital abnormalities, bad habits, or simply because the living area they stay in is dirty. It may sound like an inconvenience and a trivial matter to concern ourselves with, but actually it's not. When there is nothing being done about it, UTI can be a crippling, even fatal disease that we must watch out from.

Let us investigate what urinary tract infection is and what it does to our pets. As we have said beforehand, this particular ailment is the effect of bacteria that have infected the cat's bladder. It is essential therefore, that you promote frequent urination for your pet for the germs and other harmful substances to be expelled from their bodies. You should also take note that UTI revisits its previous victims. This means that if your pet has had UTI; it is very possible that he will have it again in the future.

What are some of the signs we should be wary about? We need to know about feline UTI symptoms so that we can spot this ailment in its earlier phases, thus saving our pet from needless suffering. Male and female cat UTI symptoms are similar. However, because females have a shorter urethra, it is easier for bacteria to be transmitted; this makes the females more vulnerable to harmful infections.

The first thing you might notice with an animal suffering from a bladder issue is their urinating habits. Victims of UTI will pee outside their litter boxes and will seem to be straining when they pee because sometimes they will develop bladder stones which makes urinating very painful for them. Another indication of UTI will be seen in the appearance of their urine.

There will also be a little blood and a foul odor in the urine of the infected pet. Since it is painful for them, observe for yowling or crying whenever they have to discharge. Cats usually do not show anything out of the ordinary when they are sick but when you notice subtle changes like these-- have them examined by a trusted vet as soon as possible.

Usually cats tend to disguise their discomfort but when you see changes in this aspect of their lifestyle, you must have them tested by the vet immediately. Other feline UTI symptoms also include redness and irritation in their bladder area. They will often lick this part and feel excessively thirsty. If these symptoms accompany unusual lethargy, the cat is likely dealing with some internal problems that should be diagnosed to get proper treatment.

There are antibiotics that the vet can prescribe to treat UTI, especially if it is in the more progressive stages. However, you might want to look up some natural remedies you can try out first. Bearberry and Barberry are two natural supplements that boost the immune system and have antiseptic properties that help effectively deal with urinary infections.

It is very important that you consult with your vet before you attempt to treat your pet for any sicknesses that you believe he might have. Be alert and watch for unusual symptoms to inhibit the progression of any disease-a happy cat makes for a happy home life.

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