Monday, June 10, 2013

Important Facts Regarding The Physically Handicapped

By Grace Daniels

Physically handicapped persons have to adjust their lives based on the disability that they have. In spite of this disability, they are in most cases as good as able-bodied persons when it comes to employment. Rather than discriminating them based on their disabilities, employers need to give them a chance to prove whether or not they can meet their expectations. There are many different types of jobs that a disabled person can consider.

The types of jobs that can be done by these people are dependent on the nature of their disability and the severity. For instance, persons with visual impairment may not perform the same tasks as those who have hearing problems or those with spinal injuries but with intact vision. Even the blindness itself varies in severity from one person to another.

There are many organizations for the disabled world over that will help one secure some form of employment. The organizations have established links with potential employers and will do the job searching for the affected individual. A number of them are employers themselves and have set aside positions specifically for the physically disabled. The other role of these organizations is to act as support groups for the disabled and to help them cope with the day-to-day challenges.

In looking for employment, it is important that one approaches their potential employer with their full qualification documents and testimonials. Recommendations from previous employment stations are needed just as is the case with everybody else. This will create employer confidence as it shows that the disabled person is just as competitive and competent as the able-bodied persons.

One should not use the physical disability as a means of getting sympathy and special treatment. Although this may work in some places, the long term effects have a negative impact. The employer is likely to always look at you as person without full potential and they will treat you as if they are giving you some form of a favor. In the end your self- esteem will be lowered and you may go into depression.

It has always been said that disability is not inability. In other words, even when a person is physically disabled, they still retain their talent in most cases. There are many internationally-recognised competitions in areas such as art, song, dance and drama that one can choose to participate in even at international level.

Another area that has been shown to be a good alternative is the area of sports. Although they have one form of physical limitation or the other, the disabled can still take part in a number of sports. Many of them can compete in a number of areas against the able-bodied persons and still triumph. A number of events that is just exclusive for the disabled have been created. This provides a means of earning an income as well as promoting physical, mental and social well-being.

When you are physically handicapped, it is important that you maintain a positive attitude. You should strive to do the best you can as per your abilities. Rather than get preoccupied with the physical disability, you should focus on ensuring that the other aspects of your health are taken care of. These include the spiritual, mental, social and emotional health. Family support is very important when you have some physical limitation.

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