Monday, June 10, 2013

Fast Ways To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs Atlanta

By Liliana Mills

The bed bug is a uniquely shaped parasite that is oval and flat becoming a tan to darker brown tone when matured. Detecting these parasites can be a nightmare and will spread rapidly within cupboards, beds, sheeting, and living areas contributing to allergies and other irritation. It can prove most disturbing to find these insects invading your home and when looking to eliminate bed bugs Atlanta residents are provided a number of easy to apply steps for elimination and prevention.

The first step is to work towards identifying whether the property has been infested by bed bugs. You need to make sure that these parasites are present, which means taking a closer look at your bedding and other areas that may have become infected by the critters. Using a strong flashlight can assist in identifying possible patches of blood on the sheets or furnishing, exoskeletons that have shed as well as small dark spots from excretions.

All areas of the home will need to be carefully assessed even the most unlikely of places such as crevices, bed posts, and picture frames where critters can hide. Materials that are identified as infected should be separated from clean items and and tossed into a plastic bag to prevent the spread of infestations. Once you have confirmed the presence of insects, suitable cleaning methods can eliminate its colonization.

Taking the necessary steps for cleaning procedures involves the removal of mattresses, bedding, and other types of furnishings that should be exposed to intense sunlight. The insects are unable to thrive in extreme temperatures, which is the reason warm climates and high temperatures can eliminate it. For regular sheets and clothes it should be placed on a warm wash and a longer drying cycle to kill infestations.

If you do not live in a hot climate, it is best to contact a professional extermination service to rid the infestation with chemical use. Exterminators will have the means to recommend the most effective and long lasting products that will eliminate the presence of these insects that is safe for the home. Regular store ranges will not prove as efficient as those provided by exterminators.

It is beneficial to call on a licensed and experienced extermination service due to the nature of these parasites. Even when you think you have targeted all of the critters with washing and stripping procedures, the critters can hide in the smallest crevices resulting in a re-infestation. Professionals will conduct a thorough inspection and implement the best products on the market to address infections.

Once the areas are free from parasites, it is time to put preventative measures in place. There are a number of proven bed bug prevention devices that one may purchase and install, keep all areas free from debris and piling of clothes, fill any crevices or holes where these insects could invade, and make use of repellent products. Exterminators can assist in recommending strategies for safeguarding the home.

When dealing with bed bugs Atlanta residents are advised to place a number of measures in place to avoid a re-infestation. It is important to have professionals complete a close inspection of crevices and furniture for successful results. Every item brought into the home should be assessed to prevent bringing the critters in from the outside.

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