Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why You Will Love Mi-Ki Puppies

By Lora Jones

For many people, owning a large dog is simply not an option, whether it is due to lack of space or simply because they do not wish to deal with the issues that can come from caring for a larger breed. These same people still might want to have canine companionship in their lives, however, and may therefore opt for a smaller dog instead. Mi-Ki puppies are perfect for these people, and for many others as well.

Toy breeds like the Mi-Ki are generally very small, often staying below ten pounds through their entire life. Since they tend to be so tiny, particularly in comparison to other standard breeds, they can be quite happy living in smaller areas. It is even possible to train them to use a litter box, which can save a great deal of time and hassle if they end up living in an apartment or other smaller space.

Just because they do not need much space certainly does not mean their exercise should be neglected, however. They are a very active and energetic breed that loves to play and to run, so it is crucial to make sure that they have time to do plenty of both with their owners. Notably, time should always be set aside for them to take at least one daily walk, which will help keep them fit and healthy.

The temperament a dog displays is always an important consideration, and Mi-Ki puppies have a great advantage here, because they are extremely friendly. Their good-natured attitude means that they get along very well with other animals, particularly dogs, that may already be living in a home, so they integrate themselves smoothly. They are also great with kids, so homes with young children can feel comfortable about having one around.

This breed is very intelligent, which means that training them is easy if approached with the correct attitude. As with any dog, training should be consistent, and should always praise and reinforce good behaviors while discouraging bad ones. With dedication, they can easily learn what is expected of them, and will eagerly comply.

Records during the initial process of breeding the Mi-Ki were not always reliable or detailed, and so their exact makeup is not fully known. Many breeding and show associations do recognize them, however, and they are often able to participate in competitions. Working with them toward this goal is often extremely rewarding.

There are many professional breeders who specialize in bringing dogs together with potential families who would love to adopt them. To get in touch with one of these, it is often best to go through an association that can connect you with a reputable breeder in your area. This way, you can be sure of their quality and can feel comfortable knowing that they will help you find the right match.

Mi-Ki puppies are an ideal option for anyone who wishes for the companionship of a dog, but may not have thought they had the space for one beforehand. They are also perfect for those who want a smart, beautiful, energetic playmate to spend time with. In reality, they are a wonderful option for many people, so get in touch with a breeder and see if you are one of those people.

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