Saturday, October 29, 2011

7 Secrets For Robust Health

By Terry Kent

Precisely what is great health and exactly how should we get it? Losing your excess weight, working out every single day, having a well-balanced diet - does that create awesome health? Listed below are several awesome health tips that I've gathered from my own health and fitness experience.

# 1: Become Your Very own Doctor - Obtain a 2nd Opinion - Your own private opinion. Listed here are a few very important facts I've observed concerning present-day clinical doctors. Very first, they have hardly any education in nutrition, about what actually causes or how to prevent diseases. 2nd, they focus on signs and symptoms, not really the main causes, and third, stats reveal that 94% of them are paid by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe specific brand name drugs, a clear conflict of interest, and certainly not ethical.

# 2: Balance is Vital. You can't depend on just one or two aspects of health. The foods you eat are the basis of 70% of your health and wellness. Physical exercise decides another 20% - you need to get a moderate amount of exercise. Building and maintaining a positive social networking, is another 10%. We need balance, internally, how we feel emotions, as well as life outside our body the social network we have. Balance is vital to be well and healthy.

# 3: Discover Power Foods. Whole-foods have far better nutritional value by far than fast and refined foods. They give all of us more energy, and create a stronger immune system. Try eating whole grain products together with nuts and seeds in cereal products, and in breads, and wheat germ and oat bran, along with brewers yeast. And only eat unbleached flour, whole grain bread, unrefined sugar, and brown rice . If you don't' know why, keep reading.

# 4: Invest In You. You educate yourself, pay out thousands on your home and cars. Invest in your health - for the greatest benefits over your lifetime. Take nutrition classes - read some health and fitness guides. Learn what creates health and what causes degenerative disorders (tip: it's what you eat). Read The China Study to transform your life.

# 5: Control Yourself - No-one Else Can. Become a closet health nut year by year. Don't broadcast it - live it. Most people care more about their cars than their health - and spend more time planning their vacations than they do caring for the temple they live in. Don't be one of them. Combine everything you learn into your way of living.

# 6: Health is a Quest. amazingly strong. You can recover from obesity, alcoholism, substance abuse, and from abusing your body. Your state of health is definitely dependant on everything you do in the previous 3-4 months of your life. Plan to and become more healthy, and live into your 80s and 90s, and even 100s with joy,zest, and bounding vitality.

# 7: Become a 95% (or more) Vegetarian. The data is actually definitive. We now know what causes all of these epidemic illnesses. Fat, cholesterol, triglycerides, as well as harmful unnecessary protein that comes from meat, eggs, and dairy foods are the principal culprits. They limit our blood flow, reduce the oxygen in our tissues, make us sluggish, cause elevated blood pressure, high-cholesterol, coronary disease, and all the cancers.

Until the next time, to your unbelievable Health,

Terry "You can actually have great, disease-free health" Kent,

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