Sunday, October 30, 2011

Small Dog Grooming Bonita Springs

By Clarissa Osborn

To keep your large dog clean and happy, dog grooming Bonita Springs, Florida can help. They have the large bathtubs which can accommodate any size dog from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane, the largest size canine. Besides having the right size equipment, their staff is prepared for anything the pups will throw at them.

Some of the smallest dogs will put up the biggest fights when they are frightened. If you think your canine friend will be angry or scared for his first visit to the groomers, you may want to visit the vet first. Sometimes the vet will recommend a mild sedative for their trip to the groomers. This will not knock them out; it will make them 'mellow' and calmer so that the groomers will be able to do what needs to be done without anyone, the pup or the handler, getting injured.

Trimming the hair would be next. Some times, depending on the hair, the groomer will use a clippers or type of shaver. There are also special scissors they can use that clips and shaves at the same time. This type of scissors is generally used around the butt so that the hair is trimmed very short or almost shaved to allow bowel movements to pass without being caught in long hair.

Many large dogs have short hair and therefore will only need combing and minimal trimming to remove matting or any debris. Long-haired dogs will need extra care and some of their undercoat brushed out or thinned with a razor. Not all dogs, but some will need their anal glands expressed. This is done before the bath.

Many dogs, especially the retrievers and other water type dogs, enjoy their bath, but there are just as many dogs who do not like the water. This is when the groomer will get wetter than the dog they are trying to bathe. The groomer typically wears a long, rubber apron to protect her clothing, if not; she would be changing her clothes after each pooch.

Brushing a dog as they dry is important to help keep them from knotting. This is not always done; however. Some of the short-haired dogs are nearly 'drip-dry' and will be ready for combing after a quick run over with a towel. Not all dogs will require a coat conditioner either because some of them may become too oily before their next visit.

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