Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Buy From An Expert Breeder You Can Rely On

By Roger Gray

Breeders specialize in their chosen breed. They know the breed standard, temperament, and characteristics. They strive to breed only animals that epitomize these qualities. This benefits the buyer by allowing the buyer a type of quality control. If you are aware of the breed's characteristics, you are not going to be surprised or disappointed.

One of the tasks of a breeder is to be familiar with all known inherited defects that can possibly affect that particular breed. Reputable breeders then screen their breeding animals to be sure they are free of such defects. It's impossible to rule out a defect ever occurring in the animal's life, but this process allows for less defects to pass through.

And certainly, it is nice to know that after you take the dog home, the breeder is available to answer questions, should you have a problem with your dog. They are a wonderful source of information when it comes to caring for and training your dog. And should you run into the situation of having to find a new home for your dog, some breeders will help you with that process as well.

Most breeders provide you with written instructions on how to feed, care for and train your pet. Knowing that someone who cares is at the other end of a phone line is worth all the money in the world.

Breeders put extra effort in making the puppies friendly. By handling the puppies while they are very young, they stimulate the development of social skills. This process is very important, since it allows the puppies to become accustomed to life with humans, and it makes them more prone to learning. A carefully bred, well-socialized puppy makes a happy, eager to please dog that is a pleasure to live with.

A puppy that hasn't been confined is usually more easily house-trained. Cage confinement such as what happens in a pet store, hinders the puppy's natural instinct to keep himself clean. This complicates housebreaking because they are no longer bothered by living with their own waste. When they are kept in a home environment during their development stage, they are going to be easier to train.

If your goal is to have a show dog, your breeder can tell you all there is to know about preparing your dog to enter different shows and different categories. The final aim of a good breeder is to continue improving the breed until he reaches near perfection. Being a breeder entails work, time, effort, and a degree of emotional involvement. Breeding a litter is not always easy. The satisfaction of bringing joy to the lives of others through the ownership of quality, loving companions is well worth the effort. Buying a puppy is also a financial and emotional commitment. It is worth spending the time and effort on your part to find a reputable breeder for the purchase of your special companion so you can both enjoy a long, wonderful relationship together.

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