Saturday, December 31, 2011

Back Acne: Treat Back Acne and Acne Scars with Advanced Treatment Serums.

By Aileen Fitzharris

Back Acne: Cure Back Acne and Acne Scars with Advanced Treatment Formulas.

Most people have to deal with acne during puberty. For some, these break outs can even extend into adulthood. In addition to flare ups on their faces, some people also develop acne on their backs.

If you have back acne than you know what a pain it can be, literally! It causes severe discomfort; and, it gets itchy and irritated if left untreated. It goes without saying that It goes without saying that It goes without saying that taking your shirt off makes you feel ashamed or embarrassed.

Back acne treatment requires cutting edge skin care products that are formulated to target your back, chest, arms, shoulders and buttocks.

Back acne break outs are actually very common. Although it is frequently more serious in adolescent and teen males, it affects males and females of all ages. A lot of people incorrectly think that this problem should be addressed with the same creams and lotions used for facial break outs. Back acne, however, is much more difficult to take care of and requires a skin care product that is especially formulated for the back.

The skin on our backs is thicker and tougher than the delicate skin that covers our faces. Back acne resists treatment with facial solutions. What's worse, it is often more widespread than facial acne. It can spread to the chest, arms, buttocks and shoulders, as well.

Reddish colored skin lesions appear when our defense mechanisms responds to injuries to the cells lining the sebum canals. These injuries develop from too much sebum flowing to the skin surface, hardened sebum that blocks our pores, and excessive sebum combined with dead skin cells that also clogs pores.

In addition to purely biological causes, outbreaks on your back can be brought on by something as simple wearing tight, form-fitted clothing.

Tight clothing causes sweat to lay on your back. Sebum mixed with sweat blocks your pores and deprives your body of oxygen. Break outs develop rapidly when this occurs.

Something as simple as putting on a backpack could cause friction and irritation on your back that may also result in a breakout.

Finally, oily hair brushing against your shoulders and back may also cause the sebum ducts to get clogged.

Back acne can be quite stubborn, and getting rid of it can take some time; and, it can leave unsightly scars.

Luckily, advancements in skin care research, dermatology and glycobiology, have resulted in the introduction of all-natural, highly effective treatment serums, and products that really work to lessen and remove scars. Ground breaking companies like BioCutis and others are at the forefront with advanced acne remedies that reduce and eliminate outbreaks and break down and erase scars. One of the better products currently available is Bio Acne Care. Bio Acne Care contains a remarkable biological serum that's rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial and skin regeneration properties that heal lesions on your skin, control bacteria and prevents and eliminate scars.

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