Friday, December 30, 2011

Get Dog Food

By Tawna Vories

Sufficient daily exercise, healthy eating, and taking care of their bodies are everyday concerns for most people. Though the same is not expected for our pets, the fact remains that we, as their owners, are responsible for their health as well. The benefits of homemade dog food recipes are becoming more popular with many pet owners. Though some veterinarians may recommend store-bought brand foods, homemade meals are vasty superior in terms of pets' health.

All dog food bags should display the AAFCO certificate or label. The AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) develops and implements laws, regulations, standards and enforcement policies for regulating the manufacture, distribution and sale of animal feeds. The AAFCO certificate is a guarantee that the product has been controlled and approved as being safe for dogs. Another type of basic information available on dog food packages is the nature and proportion of nutrients it contains. To conform to the AAFCO regulations the label should display the ingredient which has the highest percentage of the total weight first. Each ingredient should appear under its specific name. For instance, "corn" or "wheat" should not be replaced by "grains."

Furthermore, the fat content in prepackaged dog food is alarming, as it often fails to meet a healthy dog's nutritional needs. A dog's energy and healthy kidney functions absolutely rely, as do many of the body's systems, on a healthy amount of fat. By becoming responsible for your dog's diet, and making their food at home using creative recipes, you can better gauge your dog's fat and protein intake and ensure its overall health.

Take into account how much artificial coloring and flavoring is added to prepackaged food items found in supermarkets. The preservatives used to keep pet food fresh for longer exist in substantial amounts, and they provide absolutely no nutritional benefit to your dog. Our pets are a part of our family, and their health should be our responsibility and concern.

The process of making pet food at home does not need to take up too much time, energy, or money. Your dog's tail will wag and he'll be begging for more of any number of easy and healthy recipes that are out there. Healthy ingredients like honey, peanut butter, vegetables, and fresh meats are simple, and most popular dog food recipes require such standbys.Staples for homemade recipes include honey, peanut butter, vegetables and fresh meats, which are simple and, of course, healthy.

Dog food recipes made at home come with so many benefits - discover them for yourself, and put an end to your trust in factory-made food to take care of your pet's health. The long-term benefits to your pet's health make the extra effort of creating a routine that incorporates your dog's meal preparations with your own totally worthwhile.

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