Saturday, December 31, 2011

Learn How to Keep Your Unruly Dog under Control

By Sarah H Raught

Dogs have the capacity to be your partner in life, but often can be somewhat unmanageable. If you have never been faced with a disobedient dog before; when you begin the training process you may be a bit lost. The range of emotion could go from a bit disappointing to harshly maddening. As you read on you will discover how to alleviate some of the usual disobedience troubles that dogs tend to have.

Many dogs jump on people with their paws, and this can be quite annoying. When your dog does this to someone who doesn't like, or is afraid of dogs it can cause conflict. This type of jumping is actually quite natural to dogs, who, as puppies, will jump up to express affection for their mother. Some dog owners will allow this behavior in puppies, when it seems cute, but then find that it doesn't stop as the puppy grows into a full grown dog.

Instead of discipline, the puppy will think you are playing with it if you push it down so don't do this. Do not allow the dog to put its paws on your chest, you simply turn sideways instead. Praise your dog after telling it to sit, especially if it actually follows your command. You simply need to start early enough in order to ensure that your dog will not have this behavior.

When you are leading your dog with a leash, does he try to drag you along? When you take your dog for a walk, does he constantly pull on the leash? This is a common issue, and it may not seem serious. However, it should not be ignored, as it could lead to some dangerous situations. A dog who constantly pulls might break free and run into traffic, fight with another dog or cause some other type of disturbance. Leash pulling is quite natural to dogs, who have long been used by humans to pull loads. Yet with patience you can train your dog to stop doing this. The most important principle to remember is that you shouldn't let your dog lead you when you walk him. When he pulls, stop. Don't resume walking until the pulling behavior stops.

One of the most common dog behavior problems is separation anxiety. Dogs that are left alone all day may display different kinds of behavior that show how unhappy they are. Continual barking, going potty inside or chewing on things, are common signs that your dog has separation anxiety. A further indicator is that your dog acts sad, either when you are about to leave or even when you arrive home. This is a hard thing to fix and it might take a lot of training and behavior modification. Be sure that you leave some toys out for them to play with or chew on, plus keeping the radio on may be helpful. One option, which isn't always convenient, is to get a second animal who can be a friend to your dog. Dogs may display all sorts of ill favored issues and we have just mentioned some of the most pronounced. In most cases, if your dog exhibits bad tendencies; there is an avenue you can follow for excellent results. Dogs normally wish to please and if they are not meeting our standards; it is probably because we are not getting our message through to them. It basically does not matter whether or not you train your dog yourself or you get help from the experts; most issues can be treated by simply common sense and persistence.

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