Saturday, December 31, 2011

Can curing bruxism stop your headaches?

By Tyson Schmitt

Most people suffering from grinding teeth at night have no idea they are doing it until someone tells them they are. As a matter of fact your spouse that sleeps beside you will have a lot of sleepless nights due to your teeth grinding through out the night. The thing is, if the teeth grinding becomes too frequent, the victim can suffer more serious side effects, one of which is teeth grinding headaches

As the teeth grinding gets worse and worse the grinding headaches will get exponentially worse as well. Teeth grinding headaches can happen due to a number of effects bruxism has on the victim. The problem is that teeth grinding is a completely subconscious act so curing these headaches is not easy.

Grinding teeth in sleep happens when your jaw tenses up and moves back and forth. When you clench your jaw, you can observe that your jaw muscles flex, just like flexing any other muscle in the body. Since it is similar to any muscle in the body, the jaw muscle has the tendency to hurt when it is worn-out. When a victim experiences teeth grinding all throughout the night, there is a huge possibility that the jaw muscles hurt immensely because it is overworked; this in turn can cause a bad headache.

When you clench your jaw it is not only the jaw muscles that do the work but there are some facial muscles that get tense as well. If you put your fingers on your temporal lobes and clench your jaw you will feel your temporal muscles tighten as well. Imagine what a whole night of jaw clenching can do to your temporal muscles. If you experience pain in your temporal lobes this could definitely contribute to your teeth grinding headaches. Any sleepless nights you have could also cause your headache. The more often you have a sleepless night due to bruxism the more often you will find your self with a headache.

How to stop teeth grinding is the next question you need to answer to solve your headache problems.

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