Saturday, April 28, 2012

Canine Training Made Effortless

By Marlon Foley

When working on teaching your dog a command, keep training sessions short. It is much better to train your dog for 5 minutes, 3 times a day, than all in one 15 minute session. This will keep your dog focused. Before your dog gets bored, end the session. This will keep him interested and wanting more.

If your dog tends to chew on your shoes or other household items, you can stop this behavior by giving the dog a yummy substitute, such as a raw hide bone, to chew. The dog will likely abandon your shoes in favor of the raw hide, as the only reason he or she is chewing your shoes is that he or she is bored and needs something to do.

Consistency is key in effective dog training. Make sure that all of your family members use the same commands and remain on the same page when it comes to training. Your dog will better understand then commands, you will avoid confusion, and it will take less time to achieve your training goals.

Always be kind and patient with your dog. Understand that training dogs can be frustrating since some dogs have a more difficult time learning obedience than others. Always try not to lose your temper and resist the urge to scream or shout at your dog. Also, never hit your dog as this will only serve to confuse it and will actually make training more difficult.

Puppies respond best to positive reinforcement during training. You should assure that during training your puppy can not get into trouble. If you have to scold your puppy while training him, he may relate the training to being a negative experience and not be as excited as he should be about his training.

Sometimes it may be necessary to physically establish yourself as the Alpha in the pack. If your animal is being aggressive to another animal or a person, hold them by the scruff of the neck and put them in a prone position on the ground firmly, not violently. This lets your dog know you are in charge and exhibits behavior they would expect from another dog.

To house train your dog, you should make sure that your dog follows a regular feeding and elimination schedule. This allows you to know when your dog has to go and take him outside to do his business before your carpet gets ruined. Following a schedule will also help your dog learn how to "hold it" until his next potty break.

Next time your dog jumps up on you in excitement, tell them "Off" in a firm (but not angry) voice, gently push them off, and turn your back. The verbal command and action of moving them reinforces what the command means, and turning restricts their access to you. This accomplishes two things: a) your dog can't jump on you anymore, b) your dog feels he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what he wants. This teaches him quickly not to jump on you.

Be consistent in your role as pack leader with your dog. Without proper leadership from you, your dog will see this as an opportunity to establish themselves as the pack leader. Everything you do in respect to training your dog should follow this rule. Being the pack leader with your dog is a lifestyle change that will be rewarding for your pet.

Reinforce desirable behavior from your dog. Don't just rely on treats though. You can reinforce these behaviors through positive attention as well. Petting your dog and talking to him in cheerful tones can be a good incentive too. So can a new squeaky toy or a trip to the park.

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