Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just How To Train Canines And Adore Them

By Dave Walton

To house train your dog, you should make sure that your dog follows a regular feeding and elimination schedule. This allows you to know when your dog has to go and take him outside to do his business before your carpet gets ruined. Following a schedule will also help your dog learn how to "hold it" until his next potty break.

Enforce all of the commands you issue to your dog. Do no issue a command on a whim. Only give a command to your dog if you truly mean it. This can lead to having to repeat your commands. A well-trained dog should only need to be told once to do something.

If you are working on crate training your indoor puppy or dog, you can always try a few tricks. If they are hesitant about the crate, you can put a nice chew bone inside and shut the gate while they are not in it. They will see and smell the bone and will want you to let them in there to get it. Once they go in the crate, praise them so that they know they did well.

The diet you are feeding your dog needs to match their needs and activity level. The diet that is right for a working dog is a lot different from that of a dog that lounges around the house all day. Talk with your vet regarding what is right for your pup and don't forget their needs will change as they age.

Although a well trained dog can be taught to put up with just about anything, there will be times and situations where they are truly uncomfortable with a person, another animal, or a place. Don't force your dog to suffer through more of this discomfort than is absolutely necessary. There is a reason that they are uncomfortable and you need to determine that reason.

Make sure your dog is up and active often. Dogs are easily bored. Dogs that are bored are not easy to train. You will find that your dog will pay more attention to you when they are exercised and happy. Take your dog on long walks or runs. It will be good for your health as well as you canine companion's.

Stay away from high end training devices like shock collars. They often don't function as well as advertised and are far more expensive than conventional training methods. Plus, using devices like shock collars can stifle your dog and discourage even good behavior. In general, using such techniques produces negative effects.

While training your dog, it is important to maintain a calm voice, even if you feel frustrated. If you get angry, your pet is not going to enjoy learning and will not respond well to your commands. Your dog should enjoy the training process rather than dread it.

Throughout your dog's training program, continue to play with them as much as possible. Interacting through games and activities is one way to bond with your pet and relieve stress. Dogs respond much better to people they trust, so go out and throw a ball, play tug of war or just rub their belly.

Don't ever ignore good behavior from your dog. If they do something good, even if you didn't ask them to do it, make sure that you reward them for it in some way. If you start to ignore them when they have done something desirable, then they will see no reason to keep doing it.

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