Saturday, April 28, 2012

Canine Training Made Effortless

By Aubrey Floyd

When crating your dog it is best to always remove their collar. Even the best designed dog crates offer the possibility of a collar becoming snagged. The result could be catastrophic. By removing your dog's collar before you crate them you are acting to protect them from being strangled to death.

When you are training a dog, it is crucial that you never use physical punishment when the dog behaves badly or wrongly. Striking your dog won't teach them to listen to you; it will only teach them to be afraid of you. It may even train them to become aggressive towards people.

When you are first starting out in training your dog, try to schedule the training sessions to take place at about the same time every day. If you are making the training sessions a positive experience and doing them on a schedule, your dog will start to look forward to the sessions and enjoy them more.

You should train your dog to walk properly on his leash. This will ensure both his safety and yours when you take him on walks. Your dog should know not to pull on the leash and to always heel at your side, which will help keep him out of harm's way, especially in areas with large amounts of traffic or other dangers.

It is important to take a leadership role while training your dog. This does not mean that you need to try and force your animal to bend to your will. Acting as a teacher and showing him what you want him to do by rewarding his actions will help your dog succeed.

Make sure your dog is up and active often. Dogs are easily bored. Dogs that are bored are not easy to train. You will find that your dog will pay more attention to you when they are exercised and happy. Take your dog on long walks or runs. It will be good for your health as well as you canine companion's.

Digging can be a troublesome behavior with some dogs. One way to address this is to create an area where your dog is allowed to dig. Hide some of his favorite toys in the area, bury dog treats, and encourage him to spend time there. This can keep your dog out of your favorite garden and help him to enjoy your yard.

There are many different ways to train a dog. Just like all humans learn differently, all dogs learn differently. You should research some different training styles and see which ones work best for your specific dog. When in doubt, contact a professional and get their opinion or seek professional training services.

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