Monday, April 30, 2012

Dental Care Top Set of Most often Diagnosed Health Problems

By Amos Navarro

Do you consider yourself a good pet owner? Is Fido not just the happiest pup on the block, but the healthiest?

There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own roughly 74 million puppies. Although a lot of these owners treat their dog a lot more like family members and less as an animal, many are unaware of one of the primary health problems with regard to their puppy. Periodontal disease is regarded as the frequently diagnosed health issue in pets. In fact, over 80 % of dogs get it by the time they're 4 years old. Periodontal disease will begin when bacteria and food debris develop along the dog's gum line. Plaque is made and, soon after, tartar forms around the teeth. Eventually the gums swell, and pockets form that may trap bacteria and lead to more dangerous problems.

"Doggy breath, loose teeth, bleeding gums, mouth pain and in many cases infections in the heart, liver and kidney are signs of advanced periodontal disease," says Jan Bellows, DVM and owner of Hometown Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic in Weston, Fla. "To avoid these health problems, owners have to take steps to care for their dog's teeth-much such as they care for their own."

Only one in five owners have ever tried to brush their pet's teeth and only 2 percent brush with enough frequency to keep proper dental health.

Together with brushing, Dr. Bellows uses ORAVET, a plaque-prevention gel that stops disease-causing bacteria from attaching to the teeth. It is the only sealant in the marketplace. After an in-clinic cleaning, the sealant is used for the dog's teeth, creating an invisible barrier that minimizes bacterial plaque adhesion. Owners then apply the odorless, tasteless homecare gel to the dog's teeth weekly. It often takes less than a minute to put on.

"As a veterinarian and as a dog owner, this gel provides me with an important tool in preventing oral disease in dogs," says Dr. Bellows. "It's easy to use and is an ideal complement to tooth brushing, dental diets as well as dental chews."

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