Sunday, April 29, 2012

Horse Supplements And How Atkins Battles Sugar Cravings

By Mark Givens

Horse supplements are good to fight disease. For humans, be aware because sugar is almost everywhere you look and it might pop up in some shocking places. Did you know that most whole grain breads have at least one kind of sugar in them? We have a national sweet tooth crisis. Even though you don't eat a lot of sweet treats you may experience intense sugar urges in the first few weeks of the Atkins diet. A lot of "healthy" carbohydrate meals have concealed sugars in them, your body may be experiencing withdrawal. The problem with sugar is that your blood sugar is tied into your energy levels and your all around health.

When your blood sugar is too low, you'll experience intense cravings. High blood sugar is caused by eating high-sugar meals. When you eat concentrated sugar, your blood sugar will raise to higher levels. Your pancreas thinks there is something wrong and then it secretes insulin to reduce the blood sugar. As this takes place more, you may create pre-diabetic conditions in your body as your pancreas gets exhausted and eventually cannot secrete blood insulin. Fortunately, getting started on the Atkins diet plan can put a stop to this pattern.

However, this doesn't signify sugar cravings go away automatically. Sugar items are everywhere and temptation is sometimes tough to fight. The easiest method to approach sugar cravings is with planning. If you keep a balance of protein, fat as well as fiber within your daily diet you will prevent blood glucose drops that lead to sugar urges. Also, don't go too long between meals without eating. Treats are an essential part of maintaining your blood sugar levels stable. Have some convenient snacks like cheese, nuts, seeds as well as boiled eggs on hand with you so you may quickly secure your blood sugar levels without turning to sweet snacks.

Sugar urges may also be a sign of a dietary deficiency. When you're low on magnesium, you will crave chocolate and other sweets. Zinc and chromium may also stave off sugar cravings. If you aren't taking a good multivitamin health supplement with these minerals, start immediately. If you are and you are still going through cravings, consider trying additional supplements of these nutrients. Another tactic is to brush your teeth. A lot of Atkins people find that cleaning their teeth or using Listerine breath strips can help with cravings. Both methods will numb the mouth area and stop you from wanting to eat.

Horse supplements can be relied on. For your own personal health, drinking 2 large glasses of water can also help get rid of cravings. In case your stomach is full, then you'll be less likely to reach for a sweet treat. Sometimes out of sight, out of mind is the best approach. If you find yourself overcome with cravings while you are at home, get outdoors and go for a walk. Calling a buddy for support or logging into an Atkins discussion board may also do a lot toward preventing you from succumbing to sugar urges.

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