Monday, April 30, 2012

Horseback Trail Riding A Divine Experience

By Heather Toms

If you're into trekking on foot, you don't need to be told about the joys of going out into the country side. It is a great experience each and every time. You get to see forests at close quarters, you see some wildlife, and if you're a flora or a fauna nut, you can see tons of things that may engross you. Trails take you alongside and through brooks and streams, by lakes and depending on where you are, to the ocean too. You'll come across wild growth of eatable fruits, berries and nuts.

If you're a regular trekker you will be well aware of the wonders of nature. Have you ever thought about looking into these wonders on horseback?

Very few of us are fortunate enough to own horses, and even less of us are blessed enough to have horses and own land with riding trails on it. In actual fact you can count yourself fortunate if you've got a horse and have access to close by riding trails. For those who aren't so privileged and endure the curse of city living, the odd day devoted to horseback trail riding can make for an incredible change. You can go trail riding alone, with your family or in other groups: office work mates, neighborhood buddies, fellow members at some club or organisation.

If you have had experience with horses, you don't have to be told about just how smashing these animals are. If you are among the unfortunates with no horse riding experience whatever, you need to set about filing in this hole in your life as quickly as you can. There are only a few thrills like horseback trail riding.

Horses come in a selection of breeds, in different sizes, weights and colors. Horses also come with the whole range of personalities: the saints, the delicate ones, the energetic ones, the out and out rebels. There is one thing you can bet on, though: every horse is a personality, and a number of them can charm you without your even realizing it.

Some horses, like tiny ponies, are tiny animals while some are giants; they're just about sufficiently large for you to be able to step thru under their belly. Believe it or not, some horses can weigh 2000 pounds! Horses are utilized for a spread of purposes: riding, farm work, pulling carriages, show riding, trick riding and police and military use. Horses meant for hiring out to riders are usually trained in several disciplines, and usually are delicate horses of the type that placidly accepts strangers. It requires a lot of time and effort to train a pony well.

A trail ride through lush country full of wildlife and trees and blooms on a potent pony is an experience the rider will look back to with nostalgia all their life. As an undeniable fact, the majority of people aren't pleased with just the one experience and the memories it creates. They want more, and they work at getting more. While some trail rides can have parts of danger, riders see, smell, hear and otherwise experience things that they wouldn't have dreamt of earlier.

And that is why I have this to say: if you go out trail riding, ensure you are kitted out with a camera or 2. You don't need your experience to go unrecorded in a format you can refer back to repeatedly.

You can go in for any of thousands of horse riding expeditions organised by professional run agencies. You'll have no problem finding these agencies; the issue you will have is in selecting which package to take up.

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