Wednesday, July 25, 2012

dog training 4 simple and easy tips and tricks

By Eugenio Nabavian

Before starting to train an animal, remember not to get angry with them. They try their best to do what their owners want, but they are animals. It is important to establish your role fast, but do it in a gentle way. Some dogs can learn commands very quickly, and some will take an immense amount of time to teach. This is no different than humans. We all have our good and bad traits. Try your very best to not get mad or angry with your pup. Training has to be a positive experience. When your dog first enters their new home, teach them what is allowed and not allowed. This will set some very important ground rules.

Avoid Over Training

Training too much or too little will render your efforts ineffective. The golden rule is to train dogs for a short amount of time per day. The sweet spot seems to be just 10 - 20 minutes of solid training time each and every day. This gives them a solid amount of time to learn new commands, and won't burn them out from over training. You and your dog both need to be focused and over training will make it much harder. Follow your schedule and never deviate until you have confidence in your dog.

Pick An Easy Name

Dog names should not be overly complicated. Try to keep their names short and unique. This allows them to react swiftly and will help reduce any confusion with other words they hear throughout the day. If you name your dog "top" they might think that you are telling them to "stop." This can become very confusing and hinder the learning process greatly. Human names should also be avoided. This will ensure that they do not go running every time someone says the name "Mike."

A Little Bit At A Time

Everyday you want to train your dog at least a little bit. A consistent schedule will help them get into the appropriate habits, while ensuring that they understand what you expect from them. If possible, try to have a sole person train the dog because they listen best to their masters. Once they learn a command, have other members of the house get them to listen to them as well. It is also important to use the same word for your commands. If you want your dog to "halt" than always call it that. Do not switch to "stop", "cease" or any other words as it will cause unwanted confusion. You need to be as diligent as you expect your animal to be.

Follow A Routine

Dogs, by nature, are used to following strict routines. In the wild, they follow the pack leader and do the same tasks a common way. This has to be established at home as well. If you want your dog to eat at a certain time, ensure that they are fed at the same time everyday. This goes for any training, it is not okay to let your dog sleep on the couch one day, tell them no another and the next be fine with it. They need to have enforcement in their behaviors. If they don't, they will get into bad habits quickly.

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