Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Labrador Training: Tips on how to Have Less Aggressive Pet

By Kate Truman

Having a dog can bring great pleasure into your and your family's life particularly if the dog is appropriately trained. There are lots of techniques that you can employ to teach your animal into becoming a wonderful and less aggressive companion. Whether you simply want the dog to stay away from the bed or master tricks, good Labrador training is something you can begin today. Here is how to begin.

Generally, dogs learn by association, relating actions with rewards. Whenever you reward your canine pet for showing appropriate behavior, he will eventually connect that behavior to reward until he masters the command. Be sure you keep distractions to a minimum when you begin the training then change locations for the training over time as the dog gets better at responding to your commands. Give your canine companion time - bear in mind that they're not human. You will be astonished at what they can be trained to do.

When training a dog, it is necessary not to let the dog neglect a given command. If you allow your canine to disregard a command, he'll get incorrect reinforcement. He'll learn to think that your commands are optional and that functions against the complete purpose of Labrador training. Unfavorable behavior should be fixed when you catch him in the act of doing it. When correcting negative behavior that your four-legged companion exhibits, you ought to ensure that your modifications are short and well-defined. If your modifications are imprecise, your canine friend won't learn how to improve his incorrect behavior. This can frustrate both you and your pet. If your corrections are distinct and easily comprehended, your canine pet is likely to make the correction.

While consistent control is essential with your canine companion, take the time to just relax and play frequently. You must always maintain structure during training hence makes play time more effective and exciting for your canine. Before play begins, expect your pooch to be in a calm and responsive mood, then enjoy your time with each other.

A well-trained dog is a pleasure to own and a long term companion. Each thoughtful dog owner understands that the responsibility of training a dog carries lots of potential benefits. There isn't any reason not to seek out aid in order to get the most from training your furry companion. Assembling a highly effective, fun Labrador training program will make you and your pet that much happier with each other.

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