Sunday, December 30, 2012

Exclusive Tips To Help You With Pest Control

By Jesse Torkildsen

There are lots of critters that like to live in human homes, such as raccoons, mice, rats, ants, cockroaches and more. sadly, we do not like living with them since many are filthy and carry diseases. When it's time to stamp them out, this is the article for you.

Hairspray can kill many flying insects. This is entirely safe for you as well as any pets, but works to eliminate the insects. The hairspray creates a sticky barrier that prevents them from getting nourishment. This is also great to kill bees with.

Centipedes,like silverfish, need damp places and humidity to thrive. You can make your home an inhospitable environment by dehumidifying it. Keep centipedes from setting up camp in your closets and basements by quickly mopping up any damp areas. By taking away the moisture, centipedes will no longer thrive in your home.

Ants are incredibly sneaky and may find a passage into the home or kitchen. Ants will always avoid cloves, thus sprinkling these around the food is a great idea for keeping them at bay. Discourage them from entering by sprinkling cloves around the perimeter the outside of the house.

If your home has lots of flying bugs, then kill them with hairspray. Perfume may also work, but it should not be sprayed near the eyes. Hairspray and perfume are flammable; therefore, you should never use these products near open flames. If you are short on bug spray, these make for handy substitutes.

Know where all mice bait station are place so you can regularly inspect them. It is important to keep dogs away from the bait. The poison in the little baits can kill a dog or cat or just make it really sick.

Never buy a home without a thorough pest inspection first. It can be easy to spot some infestations, but those under your home on inside the walls won't be visible until a few days have passed.

Recycling could cause pests. Any recycled materials should be kept outside of the house. If you cannot do it, keep the items rinsed out. You may also want to get recycling containers that are sealed.

If you own a recreational vehicle that you don't use in the winter, you've probably noticed that mice sometimes find their way inside. To prevent this, you can try using natural repellants before you seal the camper for the season. These rodent repellents have a rather pleasant smell and are very effective at keeping mice out of your RV.

Are you being invaded by booklice? Get rid of their food, and wash down any nearby surfaces using a bleach and water mixture. Be sure to remove the infested food from your home and dispose of it using an airtight bag.

Do you use compost for your garden? Compost can attract bugs. If you would like to continue composting, ensure that it is far from your home, and avoid letting pets or children near the pile. It is also wise to keep the compost away from any plants so that any bugs that the compost attracts do not start dining on your plants.

Always store your food carefully. All forms of insects and pests are drawn in by the smell that most foods give away. With this in mind, it only makes sense to eliminate the scent and remove the temptation. Take your trash out regularly to avoid attracting pests. Pests also like the smell of trash.

Do fruit flies start coming back after you get rid of them? You might have a drain issue. Seal your drain with a sheet of plastic wrap and monitor the fruit fly situation. If you end up seeing them you should clean your drain as well as you possibly can. That will kill off the breeding cycle which was going on.

Getting rid of pests is tough battle, but you can make it easier by reading this article. Effort is a must for results. Use these techniques to get your place cleaned of pests more quickly.

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