Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Helpful Tips For Training Pomeranian Puppies To Act Appropriately

By John Jeffery

Anyone who has recently adopted one, may feel that training Pomeranian puppies is an impossible feat. The dogs are one of the most popular breeds due to their playful attitudes and adorable furry bodies. However, the high energy level often leads to outbursts of bad behavior and disobedience. Being able to modify such actions is the only way to keep peace in the household and reduce the risk of tension building within the family.

When adopting a new dog it is vital that they are trained from the moment the animal comes into the household. If they are left to behave badly, for a prolonged period of time, then it will be more difficult to teach them right from wrong. Starting a strict regimen immediately is the best choice.

The first thing that dogs should learn is where they should go to the bathroom. The most effective method of potty training is using a crate. Put the container in an area where the animal can see everyone. Leave them inside except when they are eating their meals or playing with family members.

About once every hour, put a leash on the pet and lead them outside to an area that is appropriate for them to use the bathroom. Once they have done their business, praise the dog and show it some love. This will reinforce the fact that the potty area is outside. Over time, the pet will understand that they are supposed to use the great outdoors for such things. In a few weeks, it will be safe for the dog to roam about the house freely without the limitations of a crate.

The biggest mistake that pet owners make is rubbing their animal's nose in messes that are made on floors. This is a big problem as it puts a negative spin on things and will often cause a dog to revert back to a time before begin trained. The key is to remain calm no matter what type of problem has occurred while guiding the pup's behavior into the right direction.

Socialization is another behavior that all pups need to learn right away. This is easily accomplished by gradually introducing new animals and people into the household, allowing them time to adjust with each one that comes in. Taking a dog for walks in the park is another wonderful way to letting them experience other animals and humans. Many people also take the time to set up play dates with friends who are also trying to socialize their animals.

Another issue that is really common with very young pups is biting or nibbling on both people and household items. Even though this is a natural thing for them to do, it's important to teach a dog that it's not appropriate behavior. The only way to do this is by playing with the pet normally and walking away from them the moment any type of biting occurs. This will show them that acting out will only result in a loss of attention.

Using the right methods will make training Pomeranian puppies a simple task. The important thing to remember is be patient with the animal. After all, a puppy is just like any baby and must learn right from wrong in order to grow up properly.

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