Thursday, December 27, 2012

Obtaining Great Wild Bird Food Has Multiple Advantages

By Adam Blades

Wild bird food comes in many forms, shapes and sizes. These creatures can be herbivorous, omnivorous or carnivorous for these feathered friends. Many people who keep them as pets will feed them various items that make them healthy. These animals are kept in cages and kept healthy with a diet of seeds, nuts and vegetables. It is very important that the feathered friend is kept healthy so investing in suet is a good thing. Suet is a hard substance that has been made from animal fat, kidneys and other meaty things and they provide protein at any time.

Suet is a dried collection of fats combined with ground liver, kidneys and other meaty substances. It is used by these feathered friends as protein and provides the necessary fatty acids that fowls need for energy and muscle growth. Even fowls that are herbivorous will feed from suet. Herbivorous fowls will sometimes eat worms or small insects to get the protein that is required.

Cockatoos will feed from grass, nuts, fruit and roots. They will sometimes use their beaks to forage for nuts in trees specifically the Callitris and Acacia trees. Pet fowls will also eat worms, eggs, fruit and some vegetables. Pet Parrots and Budgies have been known to share a meal with their human friends and will eat things like rice and carrots and raw vegetables especially things like green leafy vegetables. The only thing that is truly poisonous is things like chocolate and avocados.

Wild fowls come in different forms and sizes and they all feed from different things. Are wild fowls that clean the ticks and fleas off large animals such as the rhinoceros. They engage in a mutual relationship with the large African animals. Oxpeckers The rhino or the elephant provide nutrition and stave off hunger and the Oxpecker will help the animal clear those irritating bugs that itch so much.

There are the scavengers like vultures that have special digestive systems that can process rotten meat and bones. Woodpeckers and cranes are also opportunistic feeders. Cranes will eat fish, frogs and other smaller animals. However; the vulture is known as a hunter. They do not discriminate between the living and the dead. There are

Nuthatches which are like woodpeckers only smaller, will feed primarily on insects. These fowls have a knack of catching bigger insects and wedging them in trees or rocks. When they have done that, they will use their beaks to break the insect up in bite size pieces. They will also feed from acorns and seeds during the winter and acorns are treated the same way. All Nuthatches store nutrition especially for winter in the ground, under rocks or in the cracks of trees. They will do the same thing for invertebrates like snails for when they need them.

The hummingbird exists purely on nectar from flowers. They actually feed on huge amounts of the nectar each day to keep up energy to flap their wings which cannot be seen by the human eye. Hummingbirds have special tongues which are long and tubular.

Some of these feathered fowls are omnivorous because they will eat insect life as well as seeds, nuts, grasses and tree sap. Their diets are varied and wide. There is no wonder that there is such a profusion of these amazing creatures because wild bird food can contain just about anything.

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