Saturday, March 2, 2013

Deciding On The Best Pittsburgh Veterinary Clinic For Your Family

By Ava Hudson

Choosing the right veterinarian for your pet children is just as important as choosing a family doctor. It is just as important that you are comfortable with the Pittsburgh veterinary clinic and staff as your pet is. The clinic staff must have a love for animals and the ability to listen to the concerns of the pet owner.

Your family doctor should be chosen with care, and the same holds true for the doctor you choose to care for your pet. Your family and friends are sure to be happy to share their veterinarian experiences with you. If you do not know anyone who can direct you to a new vet, you should be able to get a recommendation from the area animal shelter or perhaps someone who breeds dogs.

The hours that the clinic operates are more important than one would think. You need to make sure that the veterinarian will be available when you want to make an appointment. Another piece of vital information is what procedures the doctor has in place for emergency situations in the off hours.

Another key point in choosing a new vet is concerning their licensing. Most states have a department that has the licensing information concerning the veterinarians in that state. By contacting them, you should be able to find out about the education and certifications of the vet that you are considering. They could possibly be able to give you information on customer complaints should there be any.

The certifications and education of the clinic staff are very important because they will also be caring for your pet. Keeping this in mind will allow you to consider all positions in the Pittsburgh veterinary clinic. The staff is often responsible for things like giving shots, surgery assistance and putting bandages on wounds and you want to ensure that they have the training required to do these things.

It is unfortunate, but the cost of services often plays a role in the decision making process. If you call a few different clinics you are likely to find a wide array of prices for the same services. Many people find that they are embarrassed to discuss cost with the clinic, however this conversation should occur before the doctor performs any services.

Before making your final decision, a visit to the clinic should happen. When you go, you should check for the cleanliness of the office, which includes looking for dust bunnies and sniffing to see how clean the facility smells. If at all possible, you should take the time to meet with the vet before bringing your pet in.

Above all else, trust your instincts. Pay close attention to how the doctor and staff treat both you and your pet. When you pet is ill, it can be quite upsetting and the doctor, as well as the staff, should be able to show you the care and compassion that both you of you deserve. If you feel the least bit uneasy by how you are treated, it is important that you speak up and do not be afraid to find another Pittsburgh veterinary clinic if need be.

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