Sunday, October 2, 2011

How to Train a Yorkshire Terrier the Right Way

By Dmitry Vasenyov

The Yorkshire terrier is an energetic, highly intelligent and affectionate breed. But at the same time it is known for its tenancy and this trait could become problematic while you are learning how to train a Yorkie.

However, keep in mind that Yorkshire terriers are great students. Like with the majority of breeds they respond to positive reinforcement. They like challenges, especially when it comes to obedience training, which is a great boon for the owner, provided they know what they are doing.

Like in the case of humans, dogs have various personalities, although some traits are specific to a certain breed. And for this particular reason, it is crucial to be aware of the personality of your puppy before actually start training them.

Encouragement, positive reinforcement and firm and loving hand go a long way in training absolutely any breed. Bear in mind that negative training techniques, isolating it, hitting it as well as indulging in other forms of cruelty are a great no-no since these are just disrupt the aim of dog training.

Keep in mind that Yorkies could be stubborn if they want to be and thus you need to remain patient and calm when it comes to training them. But this could be not easy to do since trying to be persistent while training your dog the right way could be not an easy task to accomplish, but still it is possible to do.

It is necessary to mention that teaching your puppy some basic training commands is relatively easy because they are quick on the uptake. But as you move on to the advanced stages of training, you will have to use different tricks such as using treats and praise in order to make your puppy pick up certain commands and behavior.

As well, it is necessary to mention that Yorkshire terriers like attention and thus it is natural that you praise your dog for every task that is well executed.

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