Saturday, October 1, 2011

How To Train Your Dog - 4 Superb Tips

By Dirk Gruenberg

There probably isn't a dog lover on the face of this earth who wouldn't want his dog to listen to his commands. Fortunately, this can be accomplished rather easily. You can be quite successful if you follow a few basic strategies on how to begin and what to do.

To get you started off, here are a few training tips that might help you:

1. You'd be best off, if only one person (i.e. you) train your dog in the beginning. This allows the dog to get used to your commands, without being confused by many people given commands at the same time or giving the same command in slightly different ways.

You should also give out your commands in consistent terms for your dog to remember and follow.

2. You should show your dog that you are the master. Or in other words, show your dog that you are the pack leader. Since dogs are pack animals, they naturally look to their leader for guidance.

Usually, as the pack leader, you will be in charge of food supply. This means you can establish yourself as the boss by making sure that you eat first, and only then your dog gets to eat himself.

3. Use positive reinforcements whenever you can. This means rewarding good behavior. Try not to punish your dog when he is being disobedient, rather let him experience that positive behavior will earn him attention and / or a treat - and that he will not achieve this with bad behavior. This will also make you and your dog bond more.

4. Patience and consistency are virtues - especially when it comes to dog training. Always try to keep that in mind. Staying calm and patient are thus necessary qualities for good dog training. Do not expect huge successes in a few minutes, rather work at it, and give your dog time to memorize his new commands.

Yes, it is true... dog training may not be super, super easy. But always keep in mind how much better your life -and that of your dog- will be once you have trained him properly.

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