When I was just about 10 or 12 years old , my family had a small dog that wouldn't listen or do anything on command. This essay was written to aid other people that are in similar scenarios as I've learnt the simple way to train a dog since then.
There are 4 steps in coaching a golden retrievers or any other dog to do any behavior including sitting. Once you understand these 4 steps, you can just about teach your dog any behavior that you need. The process is the same whether you train your dog to roll over or to sit.
To start your training, you will need some treats that your dog loves. You can be anything apart from it must be cut in tiny pieces so that you can train multiple times in a row without your dog getting stuffed. What I suggest that you do, is get a package of turkey sausages and cut them in tiny pea size pieces.
1. Take a treat in your right hand and bring it to your dog's nose. Then move your up to make him look up and then move your hand toward him. If you do this correctly, your dog will have no way out but to sit down to follow the treat. As quickly as your dog sits down you want to say the word yes and then right away giving him a treat.
2. When you have gotten used to getting your dog into the set position with the first exercise, you'll want to say the word sit just as he sits down. This may get the dog to associate the command set with the behavior of sitting. It could take one or two days before your dog really begin to get this.
3. The third step to get the dog to sit without having to use food to seat him. The way that I do it is I would use food 2 in a row to make them set and then on the 3rd time I would just say sit without having my hand and treat getting him to sit.
4. In this final step, you'll want to completely get rid of the treats from the coaching. Eventually you will need to be well placed to get your dog to sit anywhere that you're while not having to use treats. So that the way that I do it is to indiscriminately give him gifts for sitting, or sometimes I only give my dog a treat when he responds very quickly to my command. This way, the dog never knows whether he is going to get a treat or not.
Tip: Even without any treat, you will always wish to buttress your dog verbally by giving him praise and cheering him when he does what you want. You should not get distressed or annoyed if your dog does not do what you want. If that happens, you simply have to adjust your training so you can succeed and that your dog can become successful.
Have a great time coaching your dog and share this knowledge with your friends and family.
About the Author:
Finf more information about puppydog training orDog tricks at link toDogs tricks academy.
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