Saturday, December 3, 2011

Acne Treatment - What Is Acne Anyway?

By Nicholas Lancaster

Acne is believed to be the most common skin disorders that may potentially damage one's skin. Yet the effects of acne are more than just skin-deep, they can also cause emotional anguish and low self-esteem. The first stage of acne is usually the clogging of one's skin pores. Let us further delve into the topic.

Let's talk acne development. In the first stage acne normally begins in the form of whiteheads and blackheads caused by plugged pores of the skin. Blackheads are known scientifically as open comedones, while whiteheads are referred to as closed comedones. So as you can see, the first stage of acne begins with blackheads and whiteheads. Second stage would involve pimples, or zits in urban slang. In the medical vernacular, these protrusions are known as papules and/or pustules. When acne gets inflamed, pimples are the inevitable end result. Some people suffer from very large acne that is called nodules and cysts. These are very large and deep lumps of acne.

What are the body parts most prone to acne? As long as there are sebaceous glands on the epidermis, acne can form anywhere on the body. Our skin is responsible for creating sebum, an especially oily element. To be more specific, sebum is produced by our skin's sebaceous glands. And when these glands get massive build-ups of sebum, acne becomes a possibility. Sebaceous glands are adjacent to our hair follicles, and you will primarily find them in the face, neck, shoulders, chest, back and upper arms. These parts of your body can be prone to acne at any time. face is not the only place for acne.

Who can suffer from acne? Unfortunately, yes. Most of the time, acne is associated with teenagers, but we adults can also develop this condition in our thirties, forties, or even older. Even if you did not get acne during your teenage , you can get it later in life.

Why should we pay close attention to acne and not pass it off as another phase? Acne can potentially cause permanent skin damage. Worse, acne sufferers can undergo extreme mental stress and see their self-esteem suffer as their looks deteriorate. Though acne can clear without medication in few years, treatment can cure acne quickly and stop this irritating condition.

DISCLAIMER - This is a purely informational article and nothing more. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. See a doctor or medical professional for any legitimate medical concerns. The tips included hereby in this article are only to be used after consulting a certified medical professional. The author absolves herself of any liability, damage or physical infirmity or disfiguration caused as a result thereof reading this article.

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