Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Keep Your Dog Safe in the Car: 101

By Dirk Gruenberg

Getting a new pet, especially a dog, is a truly amazing. He will brighten up our daily lives like nothing else. Spending time with him will be a lot of fun, and taking him places even more so. But before we can hop in the car with our four-legged friend, we should think about a few things.

When driving places with your dog, you need to make sure that both of you are safe - don't take any risks. Instead, follow the following steps.

Firstly, it is paramount that you keep a calm attitude. If you are like most owners, taking your dog for his first car ride is going to be exciting for you. And so it should be.

However, the first thing you have to remember is to be calm whenever you approach the car. This will bring your pet in a calm state of mind.

Ideally, your dog should have been brought to the car previously to the actual trip. If you can manage to do that, the car will not be foreign to him.

Secondly, make sure that you and your pet are both wearing seat belts before you get going - this is very important. There are a lot of pet safety seat belts that you can get to ensure a safe car ride.

It is not hard to imagine how distracting a dog can be in the car, if he gets to move around, which he is likely to do, if he is not strapped in with a seat belt. You would not want to cause an accident because you got distracted because your dog roamed free. Instead, have him wear a seat belt.

The above mentioned tips might seem somewhat trivial, but believe me, I would not mention them, if they were not often forgotten. Another piece of advice is having a first aid lit in the car as well.

As a responsible and sensible dog owner, you should always put safety first; your safety as well of that of your dog.

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