Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Stop Excessive Dog Barking

By Venice Marriott

Dog barking is a contentious issue and frequently a large source of bad feelings between neighbours. For anybody, a dog barking is a hard noise to listen to for even the shortest length of time and you can understand that when the dog next door barks on and off for hours like a faulty car alarm, it will try anyone's patience. What we frequently overlook is that the dog will be barking for a good reason (as far as they are concerned) and that it is potentially just as troubling for the dog who is feeling the fear or anxiety.

Discovering what causes your dogs barking could be the hardest part of the issue as dogs can bark at the tiniest of things. External noise,eg somebody walking past your home will start some dogs barking , however, even within the house, some dog owners find that they can't leave their dog in a room on their own without them becoming anxious and barking the place down, and the door bell or telefone is commonly the cue for an outburst of barking.

Anxiety regularly lies behind a dogs excessive barking, even though on the face of it, it can look more like aggression. So to stop dog barking we need to beginby dealing with any anxiety problems, which will automatically reduce our dogs need to bark.

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety is said to affect more than 15% of dogs (and some research suggests as much as 50%). The anxiety creates numerous behavioural symptoms from a dog pacing the floor, to chewing everything in sight as well as other damaging behavior. Dog separation anxiety is almost always the reason for a dog barking so much when left home alone.

Reducing anxiety in dogs could be a lengthy process, dependent on how bad the symptoms are and will require both time and patience on your side. When you have worked out the events that set off the anxious behaviour you will be able to use desensitization training to help your dog.

Leading the Pack

Closely connected to separation anxiety is pack leadership. As a pack animal, dogs know there must be a pack leader, one who is answerable for the safety of the remainder of its clan. If one of its charges goes missing, barking is one way of helping them to find their way back. Clever stuff, but then if we stop and realise that the dog could believe itself to be the responsible member of the pack, what does it feel when everybody goes out, locks the door and leaves them home alone?

Excessive barking in dogs is much like any anxious parents reaction to a kid that has gone missing. In our anxiety we would scream at the very top of our voice in they hope that they can hear us and come running back, so too a dog will try and let the missing pack members know how to find their way home. This is also why dogs will scratch wildly at the door or window, because they would like to get out and come and find you.

How To Stop Dogs Barking

One of the best methods to stop dogs barking is to take away the responsibility for the pack from the dog by showing them you are the pack leaders and the ones to be trusted.

That does not mean using gadgets like the shock collar every time your dog barks (why punish a dog for doing what it thinks is its job?) or removing its vocal chords (does it change the dog's mind about its responsibility?) Neither does it mean you have got to rule your dog by pinning it down or pushing it around. Leadership can be established by showing your dog you're the decision maker, for instance by always making them sit and wait for their food and only begin to eat when you give the command.

It may seem like an indirect way to stop dog barking, but by handling both dog separation anxiety and leadership problems you are more likely to bring quiet to the home and the neighbourhood too.

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