Friday, December 2, 2011

Signs Of Canine Arthritis

By Edward French

Is your dog a little less enthusiastic about his daily walks? Is he reluctant to get up or lie down? Do his joints make strange sounds when he walks? If you have seen these signs in your dog, your friend might be suffering from arthritis.

Even if there are different variations of it, the most common form of Canine Arthritis is Osteoarthritis.

What leads to Osteoarthritis and what is it exactly?

The cartilage between bones serves the purpose of cushioning the joints. When the amount of cartilage is reduced, the bones tend to rub; in some severe cases, the cartilage disappears entirely, and the bones scrape against each other.

Arthritis is not caused by one single factor. Genetic defects in some breeds lead to a higher incidence of hip dysplasia, which leads to arthritis. Obesity is certainly another guilty factor. Some young dogs struggle with arthritis if they have improperly developed bones. An injury to a limb can also be an underlying cause for arthritis later in life.

These are some of the symptoms:

If you have seen any of these symptoms in your dog, you should consult your veterinarian.


Favoring of one limb

Not wanting to get up or lay down

Joints click while walking

Obvious pain when walking

Swelling of Joints


Not wanting to climb stairs

Visible stiffness upon getting up

Is there treatment available?

Sadly, this disease is not curable. Treatment aims at controlling pain and inflammation. You and your veterinarian should decide whether prescribed drugs are warranted.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin have shown some encouraging results in reducing the amount of inflammation and pain in dogs suffering from arthritis. Cosequin and Arthogen are two commercial supplements that contain this two ingredients. They can be purchased over the counter.

Changing the animal's diet might also help. For overweight dogs, a light product may be in order. Glucosamine and Chondroitin can even be found added to some types of dog food on the market.

Some dogs have found benefit in acupuncture and chiropractic treatment.

How can I help my dog feel more comfortable?

If your dog shows signs of arthritis in his neck or shoulders, raise his food and water bowl by using a stand or dog diner.

Strive to keep your friend cozy and warm if it is cold outside.

Moist heat tends to relieve pain when placed over arthritic joints. Never use a heating pad, as it could lead to accidental burning.

If it is at all possible, choose to use ramps over stairs.

Keep your dog's level of activity up. Exercise and mild activity will help stop joints from deteriorating further.

And finally...

Sadly enough, a dog suffering from arthritis will never heal, and all you can do is keep him as comfortable as possible with medications, the right diet, mild activity, and even holistic treatments. And certainly, love is one of the greatest treatments.

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