Friday, April 27, 2012

The Benefits of Raw Dog Food

By Jamie Lansley

Many people wonder whether or not raw dog food is good for dogs. This dog food is actually the best type of food that can be fed to dogs. People often do not realize this and tend to think that the advertised commercial dog food is the best option.

The commercial dog food is not the best option for dogs, regardless of how much it is advertised. It can actually end up making dogs really sick, especially since it contains many useless ingredients, such as food coloring and substitutes. Most of the ingredients in commercial dog food do not have the nutritional value that dogs need to be healthy as possible.

A common question is what does raw dog food do that commercial dog food does not do? The answer is just about everything. The raw food for dogs contains completely natural and organic ingredients without all of the extra useless ingredients that can harm a dog. And, it has been proven to be relatively safe for dogs.

Many years ago, long before dogs were domesticated, they consumed a diet that consisted of raw meats and bone. This diet seemed to do well for them. However, when domestication took place, it seems as though humans took over and commercial food for dogs came about.

Some dog owners think that switching to a new food will be a long process but this is not true. After buying the raw food, which will contain meat and bones of different animals, the dog owner can begin feeding their dog small servings. It is important to start off small since dogs often become used to the commercial food and have to learn how to eat raw foods again.

Switching a dog over to raw food is actually a process that must be done in steps. It is important for dog owners to get their dog used to this food by serving the dog small amounts of raw food at first. Once the dog begins to adjust to the raw food, the dog owner will be able to make a complete switch and will no longer have to feed their dog commercial food.

After a dog begins eating the raw foods, the dog owner will likely notice a significant change. Dogs that consume raw food are often much more energetic and have a healthier, shinier looking fur coat. The raw food is also good for the dog's teeth and bones as well as its bowel movements, which will now be smaller and easier to manage.

For those who own dogs, switching to raw dog food will be the best decision they ever made. Dog owners generally love their pets and what to do what is best for them and in this case, the best thing for a dog is to feed them raw foods that are healthy and organic.

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