Friday, April 27, 2012

Dog Running Gear For The Health Of The Pet And Comfort Of The Owner

By Annette Bishop

It is an important part of a healthy lifestyle to exercise in addition to a healthy diet in order to stay in good shape and health. For animals it is exactly the same, although their food needs differ from humans. Rather than doing the exercise side at different times to each other there are ways to do it simultaneously. To make it safer for both, dog running gear is necessary with an array of designs and varieties.

Most leashes are held by the hand which works great when the pace is slower and maybe only faster for a short time period. This however would not be healthy to use on a long run which is the reason for a specialist one being necessary.

Running without any shoes on along terrain that is rough, cold or wet is something most would not even contemplate. The safety of better traction and comfort of the padding and shock absorbency trainers provide make it a better experience.

Special shoes for canines have also been created to minimize injury through impact, slipping and even the weather. This comes in useful even when it is snowing or icy outdoors so could have more than one purpose.

With all the sweating that takes place during exercise everyone should stay hydrated to replace the fluids that have been lost, this includes dogs. Just as humans would carry a bottle containing their water, bowls are available that have the ability to be light, flexible enough to compact and as easy enough to assemble so that furry friends can also get what they need as fast as their companion.

Another great addition to the collection are leads that rather than being hand held, are attached to the runners and dogs waist area. This allows for better control and flexibility for those who prefer to have their dog run beside them, there are no extra settings required should the positioning of the animal change. This allows both runners to concentrate on the task in hand rather than worrying about any traffic that may be close by or another distraction. dog running gear allows both to get fitter, making everyday tasks and health easier too.

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