Friday, April 27, 2012

Exactly How To Train Canines And Love Them

By Staci Delacruz

If your dog is not listening while you are doing dog training, make sure that the dog is not ill. There will be no benefits to punishing your animal if it is not feeling well, and it can have very detrimental effects afterwards. If you are unable to decide if the dog is sick then contact a veterinarian for assistance.

Never reward negative behavior. Many dog owners have difficulty training their pet. When a long training session has ended and there has been no progress, they might find themselves tempted to reward their dog anyway. Even if you love your dog dearly, never reward their bad or undesirable behavior.

You will want to use your pet's name to get his or her attention. Use your dog's name when calling to go for a walk, for meal times, and for play. This will teach your dog to pay attention when you say their name. Never punish a dog for coming to you when you call them.

Listening to your dog is one of the most important steps of training your dog. If your dog is uncomfortable or scared, then you aren't going to get the result that you are looking for. Respect their needs and the process will go a lot smoother.

Your friends and family, in most cases, are not dog trainers. While those around you may have advice and opinions on how you should handle your dog's training, it does not mean they are correct. This input may be well-meaning, however, you can ignore most of it if you have taken the time to do your homework.

Some training techniques advise that you give your dog a treat as a reward for good performance. This is a great method, but be sure you're not giving your dog a treat every time they perform the task. If you do, they come to expect the treat each time and when you stop with the treats, the obedience stops as well. Instead give the dog a treat randomly so that they don't begin to expect when they get a treat.

When you are training your dog, do not repeat commands over and over to get the dog to obey. Rather than teaching your dog to do what you say, repeating the same command when your dog doesn't listen gives them an attitude of indifference. Give your commands firmly, once, and insist the dog do what you say.

If your dog does not seem to be responding to your training, make an appointment with your vet. If your dog is not learning properly, it does not mean they are dumb. Sometimes physical and occasionally mental maladies could cause your dog to not respond properly to training. Your vet may be able to give you some indication to the problem.

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