Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hermit Crab Info For Fans Of Crustaceans

By Marguerite Stanton

Those who are fans of crustaceans and are subsequently searching for hermit crab info will likely be interested in what they find. Hermit crabs are intriguing crustaceans. They are not able to create their own shells, therefore they must search for their homes in other places. They typically take up residence in abandoned shells left behind by other crustaceans.

Those who are interested in keeping such crustaceans as pets will find that they are inexpensive, fun to watch and play with, and easy to care for when the appropriate steps are taken. Even when removed from their natural beach habitat, the crabs can live for years if they are given quality care.

When selecting a shell for the creature, one must consider both the shell's size and lining. The latter should be smooth yet thick, and free of any abrasive edges that may damage the creature's body. It is also important to understand that as the crustaceans grows, new housing must be provided in the form of a larger shell.

Although their name implies a reclusive personality, this is not the case with such creatures. In their normal habitat, they gather in large groups of up to 100. For this reason, one can own multiple crabs if this is what he or she prefers.

The aquarium size one chooses depends on the number of crustaceans he or she plans to own. Generally speaking, a ten gallon tank for one crustacean is a good starting guideline. To house the crabs comfortably, the individual should select an aquarium between fifteen and twenty gallons. However, it is essential to avoid owning more creatures than one can care for appropriately.

The floor of the aquarium should be layered with 2 to 3 inches of sand. Pet stores and most hardware stores carry crustacean-friendly sand. However, basic sand such as that found on playgrounds is an acceptable choice if one cannot find the specific sand mentioned above. Most hermit crab info states that the creatures must have a water filled shell or similar vessel so that they can swim when they choose. When cared for appropriately, owning such creatures can be an interesting and fun past time.

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