Friday, April 6, 2012

Alert: Kennel Cough Is Brought On By An Infection Warns Frisco Vet

By Katherine Q. Graham

A Frisco vet talks about the authentic cause of kennel cough, and states that the cough is just a symptom of a disease. To establish the right therapy for your dog that has a night cough, you need to listen close to the kind of cough your dog has. Writing down all the indicators of your pet's cough, can help considerably when you are trying to figure out the cause of the cough, noting how often your dog coughs, plus the type of cough.

A very simple thing that needs to be determined first, is how often your dog coughs. Crucial factors to know about your pet's cough is whether the cough is ?wheezing?, dry, honking or soft.

Once you've determined the sound and frequency of the cough, you need to find out if it is a non-productive cough or a productive cough. A discharge signifies the cough is productive, and if there is not a discharge the cough is a non-productive cough. When there is a discharge existing, your pet has a productive cough, and you need to check the discharge to see if it is watery or thick, and if there is any blood present.

A great number of times your pet's cough can be caused by an irritation to the sensory nerves that are in the air passages of the larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and throat of your pet. An infection that is causing your dog's cough can settle in either the respiratory tract or the cardiovascular system, to know which place that the cough is coming from, you will need to pay close attention to all the characteristics of the cough.

When your pet has a cough that happens during the night or resting periods, it is typical of a cardiovascular location of the disease. Congestive heart failure is a very real circumstance that can happen, with this type of infection, causing the heart to be unable to get the right amount of blood to the tissues so there is no congestion. Your dog's cough is caused by congestion, because gravity holds fluid in varying parts of the lungs.

The blood that flows through the ventricle and the atrium can have some troubles, because of a common issue that small and medium size dogs experience from degenerative issues with the valves of their heart. When your dog's heart is enlarged and results in fluid on the lungs, it is a condition your dog can have known as pulmonary edema. When your canine experiences conditions of the heart like this, they can have a soft sounding cough while they are sleeping. As time passes by, your dog will get worse, and the cough will persistently get worse accompanied by a bloody, watery discharge.

Illnesses for your dog can be prevented, if you will get your pet set up on a preventative treatment therapy immediately. To make sure your dog does not end up with one of these detrimental illnesses, get a Frisco vet to help set you and your pet up with a preventative treatment to give your pet assurance of health and well being.

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