Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Natural Odor Remover Eradicates Bad Scents

By Casandra Newton

There are some smells that can take a person back to a golden time in their life and relive cheerful memories of some event like Christmas or Easter. Then there are those smells that make people want to run out of the room to get a breath of fresh air. One of the immediate priorities will be to find a way to eradicate the offensive stench and make the room habitable again. One may be able to find a natural odor remover in their home that they can use. There are common products most people have in their houses that can work on a variety of substances.

Cigarette smoke tends to bother a lot of people. This smell can get on the furniture, carpets, and walls. When a person sits down on a couch that has been covered with smoke, they may find the offensive fragrance has transferred onto their clothes. One item that can be utilized to rid the house of this problem is baking soda.

These people will sprinkle the baking soda on the furniture and allow it to sit so it can absorb the film. Then they will vacuum well until they pick up all the soda they laid own. This normally eliminates the film and the smells. Another thing some will do is put the soda into ashtrays. This absorbs the effects of cigarettes when people put them out.

Fresh paint has a way of bothering some people. Just the scent makes them feel nauseous and ill. A method that some people use to address this issue is by putting some vanilla extract into the paint when they are mixing it up. The extract works better with different colored paints. Lemon extract seems to work better with white paint.

Old books can sometimes have a moldy dusty smell that can be rather overpowering. Using dryer sheets that people use to eliminate static electricity can be a useful choice to control the mustiness. Simply place them inside the book and allow them to sit for a couple of days.

People only use some items like suitcases occasionally. When they are not in use they are usually stored out of the way and sometimes are allowed to sit for years before they are used again. They can begin to develop odors from previous usage that grows over time.

A method some people employ to make the suitcases smell better is by using white vinegar. They will douse newspapers or rags with the vinegar and place them inside the baggage. Eventually, this will absorb the offensive scent and make the baggage more appealing to use.

There are times when people love the fragrances filtering through the air and it gives them pleasure when they inhale. However, there are times when a fragrance makes people hold in their breaths until they can get to fresh air. One might want to locate a natural odor remover to use to make the room smell good again.

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