Thursday, February 24, 2011

Chicken Breeds: All About Australorps

By Kor Rassad

Even many chicken enthusiasts have not heard about Australorps. This is somewhat of a surprise and shame, because it's a wonderful breed of chicken with many great qualities. Here is a little bit about it, and why it would be a good addition to any home or farm.

The Australorp is a large, black chicken with very shiny feathers. In the sun their plumage can take on a greenish sheen that is quite pretty. They are commonly mistaken for a Black Jersey Giant, but they differ in both size and the color of the bottoms of their feet. The Australorp is smaller, averaging 6-7 pounds for hens and 7-9 pounds for roosters. They also has a pinkish-white color to the bottom of their feet as opposed to the Jersey Giants, which have yellow.

Registered and recognized as a distinct breed in 1929, the Australorp was specifically bred as a dual-purpose utility chicken. What this means is that it was meant to provide farmers with both meat and eggs. It was bred from English Orpington breed stock, which is how it got its odd name.

The Australorp has become legendary for its egg-laying capabilities. One record claims that a single hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days! While there is some dispute about the truth of this claim, it is well documented that hens that are happy and well taken care of will typically lay between 250-300 eggs each year. So if you are wanting eggs in the winter, this is a great breed for you. The eggs will be medium to large in size, and a light brown color.

Being a dual-purpose bird also means it's good for meat. Because the hens are outstanding brooding hens (brooding hens sit on eggs and take good care of the chicks), the fact that they can be used for meat is good news. You can make use of excess roosters or laying hens to put dinner on the table.

They are not just exceptional egg layers and meat providers, they make excellent pets! This is due to an easy-going temperament. They are docile, friendly, and a little bit on the shy side. If you intend them as a pet for children, you may want to look for the bantam version of Australorps, which is much smaller.

This is really an excellent breed to choose no matter what your needs might be. They are exceptionally winter-hardy, great layers, brooders, and good meat birds. Another bonus is that they do not generally like to fly too high, so you can keep them in a fenced area without worrying about them escaping.

If you want to get some Australorps, there are many online hatcheries that will be able to send you day-old chicks. They ship them via mail as a perishable item (the chicks do not need food or water the first couple days as they get the nutrition from the egg). Make sure you are able to take them home as soon as they arrive, then just follow whatever directions the hatchery sends with the chicks. Enjoy these truly wonderful chickens!

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