Saturday, February 26, 2011

Raising Bantams Are Perfect For Experiencing Fun And Excitement

By Daniel Smith

Dating back, bantams were one of oldest type of domestic chickens known. As Marco Polo stated in his writings, Bantams were already domesticated 4,000 years ago.

A quantity of 3-4 hens and 1 rooster would make an ideal flock. They make use lesser space than other breeds known to people. That is why, people from the urban areas opt to take care of bantams because owners gain fresh eggs too, aside from the country side atmosphere in their individual homes, regardless where they are actually residing.

To many, these birds are known to be an active and curious type of breed. For free-ranged chickens, they would roam around gardens and backyards, trying to pick up and scratch things, usually for bugs and insects; they enjoy feeding on insects as their meal. Several times a day, they clean and tidy their feathers, placing each on its proper place, with the use of their beaks. Everyday, they perform hygiene by dust-bathing, considering it an important aspect of cleanliness.

For show purposes, people pick bantams because of the unique and exotic patterns of their feathers. These birds do lay eggs, but for everyone's information, the eggs laid are obviously smaller, usually one half to one third of the size of a regular egg. They feed on the same food as the other chicken breeds, but free-ranged chickens enjoy bugs and insects. For the purpose of selling eggs and meat, these birds are provided with grain-based food because of the lack of exposure to the natural environment. They are also suited for small-sized backyards.

Many people from United States and United Kingdom, who are residing in rural areas, are very fond of these very active characteristic of these bird; it can even bring humor at times. People from rural areas of United States usually call these birds 'Banty'.

Being fierce, the hens protect their eggs from all predators that attempts to attack; that is why these chickens is successful in egg rearing. They usually can contain eggs ranging from quail to two goose eggs.

Predators see these birds as a tasty meal, enough to satisfy their hunger. To avoid attack, build a sturdy fence surrounding your backyard, and include the top surface to keep flying aggressors, such as wild hawks, away. Make sure that the whole area is secured from all sorts of attack from outside.

Bantams are great for starting a backyard flock, but for business purposes, opt for other breeds to produce good quality meat and eggs. But if you're up for pure fun and excitement, Bantams are the top choice.

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