Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is The Asil Chicken The New Rover?

By Kor Rassad

The Asil chicken is growing in popularity, not for the food that they can provide. Rather, they are gaining popularity for the company that they offer. At first, the chicken may seem to be a strange idea for pet. Especially, if you have never spent time on or lived on a farm. Although, you will probably need to have some land available to you, the Asil chicken can fulfill your need for a family pet.

This hearty bird can find its origins in Pakistan and India, as far back as 1500 BC. It is a bigger bird when compared to American standards. Their legs and the rest of their body are well-muscled. They have been originally bred for their fighting capabilities. The Asil chickens do not need to be taught how to fight. This is what made them attractive to those that are interested in cockfighting. Naturally, this is not an option today.

The world of cockfighting is starting to overlook these birds for larger and more tenacious birds. Due to the Asil chicken's tendencies, it is wise to consider this when mapping out living quarters for the birds.

Hens can be kept together and one cock and several hens can live together as well. Any time that you are introducing a new chicken into a group, you should monitor behavior until you are certain that they all are harmonious. It is natural for new chickens to posture to one another, but you do not want fighting because it can and will often result in death.

Young chicks will fight each other; separation at a young age will be in order before they are big enough to hurt each other. Knowing the birds' personalities will go a long way to knowing who can live with who. Following basic guidelines is always helpful but will not apply to every animal. All animals require sufficient supervision, especially when they are experiencing a new interaction.

What about these chickens makes them a decent pet? It would have to be their overwhelming affection and intelligence that sets them apart from the poultry breeds. Their tendency for affection will make them seek out their owners for attention, much like a cat or dog. When they are happy with their surroundings, the owners will notice that happiness; making them a fun animal to have around. They are filled with unique personalities and are truly interactive.

If you are looking for a good egg layer, then you need to be looking at another breed of chicken. The Asil hen makes a poor egg layer. Ironically, they are excellent sitters. So, the eggs they do lay will usually be healthy. The entire breed is known for the fact that they rarely become ill. Disease is common in most poultry breeds and this breed remains healthy under good to fair conditions.

It is up to you as to whether you choose the Asil chicken as a pet. They may not be a popular as a dog or a cat, but some people are finding them to be quite the family addition. It may be possible to have several around as pets and responsibly breed a few others to those that are looking for an unique little bundle of feathers.

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