Thursday, February 24, 2011

Three Typical Flaws Made While Coaching Aggressive Dogs And How You Can Prevent Them

By Dewey Barlow

Dogs can make excellent pets. Usually they get with people well, and they can also learn to accept and coexist with other pets but this isn't always the case. There are plenty of mistakes that folks make that can cause aggressive behavior in dogs.

Below I've listed some of the best and commonest mistakes people make when dealing with an aggressive dog.

1. Discipline vs. Punishment: Never treat aggressive behavior with aggressive behavior. Let's assume Jr. And Rover is playing outside. You notice that Jr. is putting some dust into Rover's food bowl, and you also see that Rover is growling and showing his teeth.

Your first reaction is to move Jr. to a safer location and then smack Rover on the rump while saying "bad dog". The result of this error are now you've got a dog that is confused about his behavior. Also, your dog might be uncomfortable around you or terrified of you, which could cause other problems.

2. Keeping other folks and dogs away from your dog: Socialization is important for dogs. They've a type of power structure or pecking order which dictates their angle towards other dogs and people. If they're never around people or dogs, they can be mystified about where they fit in, and act afraid or aggressive in social eventualities.

Usually dogs mature sexually somewhere between the ages of 6 to 14 months. During this time period proper socialization is vitally important. It is at this time when your dog will start to develop his understanding of social order.

3. Ignoring the symptoms or signs of aggressive behavior. Regularly folk, particularly new dog owners, find it extraordinarily cute when a new puppy lets out his first bark, or nips a little during play. If these behaviors continue into adulthood they can become a real problem. These issues need to be addressed as soon as they are noticed.

Carefully watch your dog when he is interacting with other folks or dogs to see how he'd react. If he is jumping up or mounting folks he is not attempting to be friendly. He is essentially making an attempt to create his dominance over the newbie's to his territory.

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