Monday, September 3, 2012

Dog Drooling Excessively

By Jerry Welsh

Dogs are genetically inclined to drool but some individuals droll more than other do. People that love dogs certainly would not love drool. Unlike owners of normally drooling dogs, an owner of a pet that drools excessively would always need to have towels ready to clean the slobber from the dog's mouth.

The saliva, an enzyme-rich liquid that is produced by the glands inside the dog's mouth lubricates the food for easy chewing. All dogs would normally salivate at the sight of food. On the other hand, St. Bernard, Boxers and other breeds with loose skin folds in the mouth are known to be droolers because the saliva is contained in the mouth. Heavy droolers or not, dogs will remain man's well loved, affectionate and loyal companions. So if your dog is one that has a drippy mouth, you simply need to tie a bandana around the dog's neck to make sure that the fur remains slobber-free.

Dehydration is one of the medical issues that can result if a normally drooling dog has become an excessively drooling one. What would be more alarming is that the dog's hyper salivation can be a symptom of a life threatening disease. The excessive secretion of the salivary gland that causes a "dry" dog to drool can be due to a gum or dental disease or to a foreign object inside the mouth. A dog owner have the responsibility of knowing the reasons behind the dog's change in drooling pattern. Lethargy and breathing difficulties are telltale signs that the dog's drooling is not normal. Other symptoms would be headshaking and mouth pawing.

Excessive drooling can be attributed to several factors. It is probable that the abnormal secretion of the salivary gland is triggered by a foreign object such as a bone or a piece of string stuck between the teeth or a sliver of wood embedded on the gums or on the walls of the mouth. Removal of these foreign objects is imperative. However, you have to be cautious as the removal of the foreign object can cause the dog more harm.

Excessive drooling can be associated with dental and gum problems. Abscessed tooth, gum infection or a mouth tumor can be the cause of heavy drooling. Eating difficulties; bad breath and pain are other symptoms of gum and dental health issues.

Motion sickness that causes the dog to drool is not life threatening. Bloat, heatstroke, rabies, poisoning are some underlying health concerns that causes the dog's excessive drooling. These life threatening concerns must be addressed immediately to save the life of the pet.

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