Monday, September 3, 2012

Holiday Illness Claims - What To Consider When Filing For Compensation

By Dexter Osbourne

Your holiday should be a well-earned week or two where you can relax completely and not have to worry about things such as illness. However just because you're on holiday it doesn't not mean you are immune to potential sickness. With the help of a solicitor you can file holiday illness claims for a variety of ills that might befall you on vacation, from incredibly specific diseases that can only be caught in certain parts of the world, to diseases caused by unsanitary hotel conditions. The most common illness claimed for with holiday illness claims though is food poisoning, and that will be the basis for the following article.

Before you file any holiday illness claims with your solicitor it's more than likely that your tour operator will first try to get in touch with you and offer you a settlement. This settlement will however be a measly amount that you should not even consider accepting. Using a solicitor who is trained specifically in gaining compensation for holiday illness claims could provide you with compensation ranging from 1000 up to more than 30,000 depending on the severity of the illness.

Food poisoning is perhaps the most typical holiday illness and depending on the severity of the poisoning and whether or not hospital care is needed, patients can expect a settlement of up to 33,000. This is of course only for extreme cases that effect the individuals domestic, social and work lives on a significant level for a lengthy period of time in these cases there is also the possibility that the individual will have developed a secondary condition as a result of the illness such as arthritis, haemorrhoids, incontinence or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

More often than not it is only possible to make any drastic holiday illness claims if an individual has had to take a significant amount of time off work as a result of the illness. The type of job the individual has might also affect how long they are off work as a result of their illness and conversely how much compensation they will receive. For those working in the medical or catering industries for example they will be required by law to stay away from work until the illness has completely left their system as they will be working closely with easily contaminated materials on a day-to-day basis.

When making holiday illness claims individuals should take into account losses of past and future earnings as a result of their illness, expenses incurred as a result of the illness and the cost of the holiday (if the illness of one family member caused an entire families holiday to be ruined for example there is cause to claim back the entire price of the holiday in question). Remember to keep all receipts whilst on holiday and remember to NEVER accept settlements from tour operators as once you accept, you won't be able to make a claim against them.

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