Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dog First Aid - Bandaging

By Jerry Welsh

All homes with pets must have an animal first aid kit. With a first aid kit, a dog owner can deal with the possible injuries the dog can sustain. Bandages are one of the essential contents of a pet's first aid kit. Given the dog's propensity to get into hazardous situations, it is imperative for a dog owner to learn basic first aid treatments.

A bandage has many useful uses for the injured dog. Dog owners find it difficult for stop injured dogs from doing their normal activities so that the injuries of the pet would worsen. Immobilization of an injured body part to provide the pet with relief from pain is one of the functions of bandaging. Bandage will limit the swelling and would absorb the fluid oozing from the wound and protect the wound from getting dirty and becoming infected. This first aid measure will stop the bleeding of wounds and stabilize fractures before the vet can work on the dog's injuries. Bandage has to be applied correctly otherwise the pet would receive no emergency care and the improperly applied bandage can even worsen the pet's condition.

Pet owners has to know how to competently use bandage on the injuries of the pet. The bandage can be applied easily but keeping the bandage on the dog will be challenging as these pets would incessantly worry the bandage until it is removed. Naturally, the adhesive bandages used by humans would not do for the furry pet. Dogs would not know the benefits they can gain from this first aid treatment thus the bandage will be removed. Dogs would always try to remove the bandages thus the owner has to make sure that the securely applied.

Bandage must not be applied on a dirty wound. This means that the wound has to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Cover the thoroughly dried wound with a double strip of gauze. This strip of gauze must be again covered with several layers of bandage and secured with adhesive tape. To prevent the bandage from slipping, the adhesive tape must be connected both to the bandage and to the dog's fur.

Another function of bandaging is to control bleeding. By wrapping the wound with layers of gauze, pressure that stems the bleeding is applied. The first aid giver though must ensure that the bandage is not wrapped too tightly lest it cuts off the circulation. A wound can get infected if the bandage is not kept clean and dry thus it has to be regularly checked. Infection can be easily noticed as the injured body part would swell and have a bad odor. While the dog's injury is healing, it would be a good idea to keep the pet indoors to prevent the bandage from getting wet and dirty.

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